Match 1: Mono U thopters/mill? The deck wasn't particularly great so I won game one easily, but game 2 she drops Hangarback Walker, which I make the mistake of killing so she just blows me out in the air with like 7 1/1 fliers. Game 3 I boarded in a couple Chandra's Fury and my good friend, the Goblin Piledriver for an easy win. Even Jace couldn't help her out. Yeah, that's 4/5 opponents over 2 days with planeswalkers now.
Match 2: vs G/W goodstuff. Game 1 was a lot of back and forth with us each removing each other's creatures here and there but with me having the upper hand. At one point he used Celestial Flare on me and managed to trick me into thinking he didn't ahve a second, which sucked, but I was able to blow him out with my very own Chandra's Ignition, and a risky double combat trick-buffed creature attack for a huge swing after he gained some life back. Second game I would have won, if not for me blowing MYSELF out with Chandra's ignition like a friggin' idiot after forgetting it hits my own creatures. I think I did that because the first time I used it, it didn't do enough damage to kill my other creatures. Eventually he busts out, oh joy, ANOTHER Hangarback Walker, which he buffs until i can't deal with it or the Thopters it produces anymore and I lose. Oh, did I forget to mention the Kytheon, Hero of Akros he also had? (5/6 with Planeswalkers now. SERIOUSLY WTF.) Game 3 he mulled to 6, attempted to play a 1 land hand and scooped. Whoopsie.
Match 3: vs B/G sac. We opted to split this and he wanted to leave so we only played one game for fun. First thing he drops? You guessed it. Hangarback Walker. Ultimately he had a lot of removal and I got mana screwed so he won, but still. Jeez. At least he didn't have Liliana.
So in the end I picked myself up a sweet 7 packs (which I haven't opened yet, maybe someday I'll actually get a Planeswalker...sigh...) and aside from one monster misplay, am pretty happy with how I did over these two days. 4-3 total and 11 packs, and coming out positive value-wise? Definitely worth.
Day 1 Decklist
(No sideboard used)
Day 2 Decklist
(Chandra's Fury x2 and Goblin Piledriver sided in)