This time I've entered two separate ones, one I already did today, and one that I'll be attending tomorrow evening.
Headed downtown to a store I had never been to---it was a great deal larger and nicer than the store I semi-regularly attend (and their prices are cheaper too!) 120 crammed upstairs for ~5h with no air conditioning in 30 C weather made for a very sweaty day though. Sweaty, but fun.
So I chose Liliana as my Planeswalker in the hopes of a sweet sweet Languish or Liliana, but all I got was a crappy 3/1 with some graveyard recurrence. Oh well.
So to begin with I opened up my packs and got ZERO bombs. (A friend of mine who went 4-0 opened up a Nissa and a Managorger Hydra.) Ultimately against my better judgement I decided to attempt the B/W enchantments deck as I had some pretty sweet removal in both of those colours, as well as a few enchantments and cards that synergized well with them.
Match 1: Mirror match!! I played against a guy who actually managed an enchantment deck with way better synergy than mine had, including the usually terrible Helm of the Gods. He also apparently had the Liliana I so desired but he never managed to draw it. I beat him 2-1.
Match 2: Played against the Izzet (U/R) Thopters deck. It wasn't the 1/1 flier creators I had so much trouble with so much as fucking Jace. GO figure, two people in a row both with Planeswalkers. Ugh. Anyway I'm actually pretty sure I had a chance against him even WITH his solid deck, except I got mana screwed in game 1, and had to mull to 5 in game two, then got flooded.
Match 3: B/G Elves. I really wanted to play this deck as it's my favourite but I didn't have anything in my sealed pool to support it unfortunately. This guy had some serious bombs to throw at me too, including---wait for it---goddamn Nissa. That makes 3/3 opponents with Planeswalkers. FML. I won game 1 my taking a gamble and letting him consistently attack me in the face rather than block. I won from 1 life with him above 10. He won game two, and in game three a draw was about to be forced due to time but I managed to slowly beat away at his life points with a flier. He durdled his time away like crazy with all sorts of land fetching and synergy with Zendikar's Roil but ultimately it wasn't enough.
Match 4: Just an absolute blowout. R/B something? I had him down to 6 HP with a creature under Suppression Bonds when he tosses a Chandra's Ignition at me. Fine, I'll rebuild slowly as he starts to do the same.
Nope, another one.
And then Kothophed, Soul Hoarder.
I actually laughed because the sheer force of his comeback was both hilarious and overwhelming. Ok, I figure, well at least he doesn't have Chandra too, and if he doesn't draw those Ignitions I probably have a decent shot. Game 2, double Ignition AGAIN. GG. The guy was real nice and we talked for a bit before and after the games. We agreed to split the 3-1 2nd place prizing before the match so I walked away with 3 free packs! Also he had apparently opened those Ignitions as well as TWO of THESE fuckers--->Hangarback Walker and for some reason opted NOT to play them. jeeeeeeeez
Garbage unplayable Mythics Alhammaret's Archive and Starfield of Nyx and no foils, buuuut---------
2x Goblin Piledriver which totally pay for my prerelease on their own! I opened one of the two in my sealed pool and despite actually having a decent number of Goblins for a set with barely any, I opted not to run it because I had no removal in red.
Tomorrow it's back to my regular store to try again with Nissa as my colour/Planeswalker of choice. Maybe I'll actually open one for once?
Day 1 Decklist
(No sideboard used)
See the Day 2 writeup here!