On May 21 2015 03:40 Comeh wrote:
Honestly offlane enchantress is digusting and impossible to kill, and then when she hits 6 she can bully out a solo safelaner (while his supports are roaming).
Its one of the most frustrating things i've played against in a pub.
Honestly offlane enchantress is digusting and impossible to kill, and then when she hits 6 she can bully out a solo safelaner (while his supports are roaming).
Its one of the most frustrating things i've played against in a pub.
It's not impossible to kill more than it needs the combination of stuns and high burst damage, which the enemy draft here doesn't have.
That said, DS feels like the most sensible pick here to me, seeing as it's an offlaner, a frontliner in an otherwise backline-heavy draft (that still has another close-range melee hero that benefits from surge and Ion), combos well with both Lesh and WD, and matches up well against the enemy lineup (it's more or less DS vs. 4 short-range heroes--the critical heroes on their lineup will tend to fight teamfights in very close formation, making them susceptible to Vac+Wall). It's also a Mek carrier on a lineup that has to strain a little bit to get a Mek onto one of the currently-picked heroes and matches well in any of the 3 lanes (offlane solo or either mid or safe solo if you're running the aggro tri)--gives you options.
If you're going to not run a jungler, you can just run the Enchan mid and the other 3 already-picked heroes in a trilane. You need ganks/burst damage to actually threaten an Enchan, and the possible roamers on the Dire lineup don't have sufficient burst damage to do that (DK's inherent burst isn't high, nor is Disruptor's, and BH will have trouble finding a good place to get levels if you're not running her in the jungle).