I am done smoking cigars. There are a number of performance issues one suffers from with regular Tobacco use. The worst is the comedown after smoking. It is almost impossible to play Starcraft in a relaxed state.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LRmO4ID.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/roZ5GpX.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Psalq7D.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3pm74pi.jpg)
So that's my collection, but I'm closing it down.
I think I will be a lot better off meditating. While computation-heavy games like Chess seem to go badly for meditators, the openness of mind makes for very good mechanics. For others who have smoked Tobacco regularly, I hope the meditation avenue is an alternative you will consider.
Although I know next to nothing about cigars, that looks like quite the collection. Are you literally just throwing them away? Surely they must be worth something.
I'll take those off your hands, if you're not using them.
I am keeping them for myself. I will still open the humidor from time to time. It's hard not to smoke while I have them here, but I just won't fuel the lighters. Cigars are one of the least traded items. Might just let them appreciate.
On April 27 2015 10:26 YokoKano wrote: I am keeping them for myself.
Well good luck quitting.
So you're going to keep them until they become somewhat valuable? Also, I thought you weren't supposed to light cigars with lighters.
How many did you smoke per time period? Were you smoking like multiple cigars a day or something?
On April 27 2015 11:53 ninazerg wrote:Well good luck quitting.
don't discourage him. he really wants to quit. he's totally not just showing off
Good luck YokO
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
I remember my first time smoking a cigar....was in Cuba and was 14? maybe 15 and wow i nearly choked myself to death hahaha then throw up a little. Was great fun, might not of been the best place to start smoking a cigar...in the home of Cigars xD
But nice collection and good luck quitting!
You can always smoke in moderation man. Exert some discipline
They taste good but they are rough yea, I think it is a good decision to quit smoking, best of luck! Always enjoy your blogs.
More than five cigars in a day is too much for anyone. Specialists take no more than one puff per minute, tops. Unless you're a real showoff who likes to take big puffs, you'd be smoking more than ten hours for five.
I will gladly, gladly, take your collection off your hands! :D
Jk. I quit smokes recently, and pot as well. I haven't dropped drinking yet, but I don't drink much anyways (maybe a beer or two every couple day with supper).
I kind of wonder what it is like to be completely sober from these common substances we all use. That includes sugar too. I think I have the willpower to quit, whatever I have quit in the past I do it cold turkey and find success; I have to be ready and willing tho... and that's the trick. I hope meditation can bring you to that state, never tried it personally.
On April 28 2015 00:55 Deathstar wrote: You can always smoke in moderation man. Exert some discipline Hehe, this is definitely not the case for everyone, and certainly not just limited to tobacco
Think I see an Ashton cabinet in there, yum. Gl quitting though man. I pull one or two a week from my little humidor, might quit in the future, but not until a year or two after Cubans become legal again. =D
wow I really want to smoke one looking at your pics.
If you don't breathe in the air (which you're not supposed to), is it worse for your health than cigarettes?