1. Classroom lectures are way more bearable with the right classmates, but the wrong classmates simply make them unbearable.
2. Experimentation is fine. Go nuts. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
3. Self-reflection is the fundamental step to self-improvement.
4. Fight Club told me that self-improvement is masturbation. Well, I'm still jerkin' it. But that's what my 20's are for, right?
5. Everyone's entitled to their opinion and philosophies and everyone's entitled to think that they're dumb as shit.
6. The average person on the internet is a socially and intelligibly retarded individual. Don't take anyone on public forums too seriously. It's like what Carlin said, "think of how stupid the average person it, and then realize that half of them are stupider than that."
7. Thank god you're out of high school. Adolescence is a nightmare. So what's next? Well, an entire decade of exploration and self-discovery through trial-and-error. You're resilient enough to handle all the failures so feel free to make mistakes.
8. You know those times when you think of a really socially embarrassing moment and want to kill yourself? Yeah I still do that too.
9. Some people don't shut the fuck up. Just talk over them if you want them to stop talking.
10. Every relationship has a romantic aspect to it. Every friend you want to spend time with possesses a personality that you want to explore and relate to. Don't be afraid of it.
11. Hipsters are fucking retarded. Don't buy into that privileged sub-culture. It's condescending and vapid.
12. You hate all that fake "Hey, how are you" crap. That's culturally an American thing. If other people do it, that's fine you can play along but don't feel obligated to do the same song and dance they're doing.
13. People will judge you superficially. You judge others superficially. It's a fact of life, no matter what the "don't judge people by their covers"-minded people tell you.
14. That being said, people can and will surprise you. That cover is only skin-deep.
15. A mutual attraction and mutual relationship goals are what constitute the strong start of a relationship. If you feel like you're lacking either, then you may want to move on, no matter how badly you were crushing on them.
16. "Find what you love and let it kill you."
17. Everyone has their own answer and each answer is objectively no more right than the others. But once again, you're entitled to think that they're dumb as shit.
18. College is nothing like high school, you actually have to study this time. Sure, you're "gifted" and you got into the stupid S.T.A.R. honors program in high school, but you still need to buckle down and struggle with the textbook for a good portion of your weekend.
19. You have passive-aggressiveness and you're not good at repressing your emotions. So just speak up.
20. You crave a deeper understanding of those you're interested in. Strictly speaking, socially normal conversations are of no interest to you.
21. You're fucking amazing and don't forget it.
22. Keep lifting.
23. And since you kept lifting, you're going to spend a lot of time trying to discover off-the-rack clothing that fits well. Your body type isn't the typically build most clothing designers have in mind while designing clothing. Finding well-fitted dress shirts is a nightmare.
There's probably more advice I'd give but it's close to 1 in the morning and I gotta turn in.