Sorry if it isn't great quality or anything, I am still new to photography and I am sure it is too heavily post processed anyway.
Some thoughts:
I went to the most peaceful region of the occupy movement but I kept having hallucination of police siren
(due to poor sleep, my GF is from mainland and she is afraid the gov would crack down on us, I had roughly 5 hours sleep and a whole day of work before i went to support the people)
Police were completely absent, and it turned into some kind of a carnival of democracy.
Some tourists came to raised our spirit, some even provide suppliers to us.
Most of the whole place is ran by students.
They use social chat on mobile phone to arrange manpower and materials across different areas in Hong Kong.
Tram stations are turned into first aid stations, with the more experienced and licensed (?) ones standing by at all time.
There were a huge rain with lightning at night and they calmly arranged everyone to do whatever, people helped actively.
There were students walking around to ask for garbage and put cargo boxes and identifying them which is plastic bottles and other wastes etc.
Some people were dropping soap water from their flats high above but the girl who got hit reacted calmly (well, more like "arrrrr I got stuff on my hair Q_Q" reaction).
Some cafe and restaurants offered free power supplier recharge and free unlimited wifi.
This is something I wish can be done every once a year, a peaceful occupy movement for one day for people to gather up and write messages about love and peace.
The whole atmosphere is amazing.
I only have around 3 hours sleep and spent hours post processing the photos (mostly because I am just new to this) and upload to flickr. so this post is probably messy, sorry

I am very worried that if the government doesn't back down in any way possible at all, then these movements will begin to fade, people will want to see more results from all these efforts and some would determine they need to make it bigger and worse.
In the mean time, the hong kong prime minister, when asked will he resign due to this, he answered that even if he resigns, the next prime minister will be elected in the same way he did (no public vote on the election candidates)