Some of you might know that i've been training lately for seattles TM event!
For those of you who don't know what tough mudder is (TM) heres the 2013 seattle video.
I know a few of the people on TL have done the event and was hoping to get some tips for training and stuff that will help in the next month and advice on gear that they found particularly helpful or dragged them or their fellow mudders down.
For training wise:
I alternate between 5mile and 3 mile runs pretty much daily atm. Will bump that up to all 5 mile runs and maybe an 8 mile in the next couple of weeks or so. For my runs, i take a break about every 1.5 miles or so and do sets of pull-ups/push-ups/moutain climbers/ and sit-ups.
I don't have access to a gym anymore, so i've been sneaking in some late night runs to the park to hit the monkey bars and balance beam.
Supplementing my physical activity with work and other sports that i happen to play throughout the week.
Overall worries that i need to adress in the next month for training.
-monkey bar stuff
-grip strength
-overall fitness levels
For gear, im using the spandex legging thingies and shorts, and probably a spandex shirt thingie. I have a long sleeve available depending on temps for the day. (you never know if it will rain in seattle ^^)
what are your opinions on gloves? I went out and bought a pair of madgrip gloves that i modified to train with, but have heard positive and negative sides to them.
Also excersizes for grip strength, and any tips for obstacle courses.
-Thanks TL