Hi all,
I haven't had the need to run a position into a chess analysis software in a long while, and the software I was using unfortunately isn't compatible with my new pc anymore. Is there a good one online somewhere?
If there isn't, could someone please run a position on their software for me?
White: Qa4, g2, Kh2, Bg1 Black: Kh4, h3, g4, f4, d4, b2, Lf1
I'd like to know what the software says after
1. Lxd4 g3+ 2. Kg1 h2+ 3. Kh1 Lxg2+ 4. Kxg2 h1:Q+
The original solution for this (1968 Herbstmann Nadareishvili) gives 4... f3+ and a very beautiful ending, but I wonder if black isn't better off after 4... h1.
I googled around and saw this was in Chernev's 200 Brilliant Endgames, and you're right that it doesn't mention 4...h1. One of the conventions of endgame study composition is that variations that transition to theoretically understood endgames are typically ignored as perfunctory or mentioned offhandedly in order to maintain focus on the intended solution.
In this case, the solution given is considered the best winning try, thematically. After 4...h1Q 5. Kxh1 b1=Q+ 6. Kg2 Qe4+ 7. Kf1 Qh1+ 8. Ke2 f3+ 9. Kd2 Kh3 10. Qd7+ Kh2 11. Qh7+ Kg2 12. Qe4, Black can't advance his pawns without losing them and his king is stuck defending them. The composer saw that this was a theoretical draw that didn't change the value of the original position and wrote it off as an uninteresting, unmentionable side variation. Of course, sometimes those side variations contain cooks that change the value of the position, but probably not here.
As for software to use, there's plenty of free stuff out there. Between Winboard, Arena, and Scid for GUIs, and Stockfish for the engine, you don't have to pay a thing for accessible, top-level analysis.
thank you both. The cpuchess thingy is the one I found by myself, who told me black was winning after h1:Q+, which is why I wanted other opinions and summoned TL about it. I really love this study, I didn't want it to be incorrect, and I'm very glad it's not.
Download this:
Then download the best current chess engine in the world; Stockfish 5, right here:
Then put your Stockfish 5 exe file into the proper folder, something like:
Local Disk (C: ) > Program Files (x86) > Tarrasch > Engines
Then select the Stockfish 5 engine, and voila!