Out of the three races, my P is obviously my best, I went into this knowing it would be. Being a P player normally that's to be expected. Then Z where I'm ok until it hits late game where I just get steamrolled then T where it's just absolutely terrible, there's just something about playing Terran that just doesn't stick with me.
Surprisingly this doesn't bother me too much, I've never really liked T since I started watching SCII, they're so limited on builds it's like you have to one thing or another and that really doesn't appeal to me playstyle wise and there's very little variation in army composition. It just feels really boring to play.
That doubled with my Protoss experience where I'm used to having more expensive compositions with either Stargate or Robo units with Warpgate back-up means I get the feeling I'm not building enough Barracks in early/mid-game, I'm not used to having such a cheap army made up of t1 units backed up with some healers.
My issues with Z are mainly macro based, Z is a funky race to play imo. It's very easy to get supply blocked and run out of gas. I'm slowly getting better at the latter as I expand more often when I feel safe to but I still find myself getting horribly supply blocked due to the larva mechanic and it being so easy to spam up on units while forgetting to make overlords, then there's a point where I sometimes forget to inject too so I don't have enough larva when I need it most.
Honestly though, even though I suck at T and Z, I'm still finding random insanely fun to play outside of my offrace mirrors. I really dislike TvT and ZvZ (ZvZ moreso than TvT) they just don't seem as fun as PvP is, again it's a lack of variety in build orders thing. I just need to improve my other two races a tad bit quicker now my PvX has somehow managed to carry me into silver league alone.
Here's my win ratios for this season so far (most of the Protoss wins, especially the PvT have been at Bronze level. On EU where I only play P in silver my PvX ratios are much worse with only PvZ being at 50%, PvP and PvT are both below that at 36% and 42% respectively.)
PvP - 50%
PvT - 100%
PvZ - 50%
TvP - 0%
TvT - 0%
TvZ - 0%
ZvP - 0%
ZvT - 33%
ZvZ - 50%