Since all the seats were occupied she could not sit, as a gentleman i asked if she wanted to sit in my place,she said thanks and i noticed the se was in the second year of high school by looking at one of the big books the she was carrying, so i said "I dont remember using books that size when i was in high school", she smiled (what made my day get a lot better) and ask me if i was already in college.
I said the i was in my 3rd period and we started to talk about it, she told me that she didn't know what she will be doing yet,after some timing talking about studies and those things it needed to end, as always the universe doesn't help me, since i was really hungry and tired, i didn't pay attention and just missed my stop, when i noticed,i quickly i said good bye and got out of the bus.
Walking to my home i just noticed something ,i didnt ask her name...
obs:Grammar correction are always welcome