On SC2
To be honest, I haven't played this game much since 2010. I stopped when I injured my hand and had to take a break from the game for a few months and couldn't get back into it. Even now, when I try to play, I never feel like I'm having as much fun as I used to.
But holy shit do I love watching it. I was a lot busier in 2013 than 2012 so I honestly watched a bit less SC2, but that still amounted to maybe 3-4 hours a day. And I'm still not getting tired of it. When I read TL and feel the negativity by the foul mouthed minority, my enjoyment of the game isn't dampened. It doesn't affect me at all. It's an awesome game to watch, and if you don't see it, well, too bad. I'm going to keep enjoying it until it dies a slow, painful death.
I'm joining the LRSL this month and hopefully it inspires me to start playing again. I've played maybe 3 team games this week.
On Becoming the LR OP Guy
Well that was a surprise. I seriously didn't expect to inherit this job. I only started handling LR threads in 2012, doing mostly SPL since it was at a convenient time for me, though I had been hanging out in the threads since I signed up for TL. opterown had been doing an amazing job until then, but he had to go to med school or some nerdy reason so he had to retire. It started with a few threads as I wondered where he went, and me and Shellbot were the initial people to pick up where he left off. Shellshock offered to be the next in line, but in retrospect it's good it went to me because he was able to get promoted to a hammer, and that is already a big job. So I'm going to be the SC2 LR OP boss for the foreseeable future, at least until my pure passion is stolen by a witch or a die in a flaming inferno.
It's actually not that hard since opterown and our ancestors (probe1, MrCon, Seeker, etc) already set everything up. I just need to dedicate an hour or so everyday to check schedules and make the OPs. No probs.
And if people aren't aware, you guys should give a hand for my two assistants, elmoDD and padiseal2 who maintain my LR OP calendar without which I'd be totally lost. Thanks for a good year dudes.
On Becoming a Pen
This one, I actually wanted. I watch a ton of SC2 anyway, so might as well write about it and get featured. I was in the process of writing a Proleague Season Wrap Up when Waxy told me they were looking for new
So far I've done okay, I guess. Writing about a competition is still new to me, so hopefully I can improve and produce more content for 2014. I'm always accepting constructive criticism, except from Waxy because he hurts my feelings, so fire away.
On Best Game of 2013
Holy shit that was a lot of games to watch. I had actually only seen about half of the Top 40, so I had to rewatch a ton to write about them. Normally people would consider that work, but man was it awesome. All the games were a pleasure to watch and rewatch, and I never felt like it was a chore. It was good times, man. The hardest part was choosing the games that were going to get in, because I had to look back at all the recommended games and play Judge about their quality. If it wasn't for juicyjames' This Week in SC2, it would have been exponentially harder, so thanks yo.
Seriously, if you haven't watched all of the games, you should. If you've lost your passion or feel a lot of negativity about the game, just watch the list. I could have made a 200 long list of amazing, spotlight worthy games if I had the time, and I'm not exaggerating. It was a good year of SC2.
This was my gift to TL for the year, as a fun way to celebrate and appreciate all the people who put in extra work to make this community what it is. Ok the tourney was SC2 biased, but I didn't expect people to want something like it for all the fora. Maybe next year? When I first conceived of the idea I felt like it was going to be too big a burden, but I decided on a whim to just go through with it. The Nominations, Ro64 and Ro32 were pains in my butt, but all the hilarious posts, trash talking, vote pandering, and shitposting made it worth it. You guys are awesome and I spent an inordinate amount of time on TL because of it. Hopefully I can think of an even better competition for next year.
opterown winning the tournament was cool. Guy's awesome. Everyone in the tournament is awesome and I wish I could hand out an MS Paint trophy to all of you but my paint skills probably wouldn't be enough to come up with 64 individual trophies. No copy pasting man, ms paint is an art.
Top 10 Moments of the Tournament List:
1. R1CH's mom
2. All the pandering posts and blogs
3. The hilarious interviews
4. R1CH cheesing out monk
5. Die4Ever and TheBB making it far into the tourney
6. Most of the deserving people being nominated and advancing in the tournament
7. Torenhire vs Serejai
8. TL twitter tweeting about TLCMAT
9. Appearances from all the contestants. Eventually.
10. lichter not losing in the first round :D
Special shoutout to R1CH's mom. I hope she gets a star beside her name.
On 2014
Basically I'll continue to be OP Boss, a Pen, and an awesome poster. And I'll watch SC2. Yep, that's the plan.
Special Thanks
I'd make special mentions but then some of you will get jealous that I didn't mention you. Seriously, why do these sections even exist when they just cause trouble? So fuck that. Thanks to literally everyone on TL.
Yes even the jerks because you make ABL and mod reports possible, which provide minutes of entertainment each day.
Oh shit was that a special mention?
Edit: god dammit typo in the title. Yeah that sums up 2013 pretty well. I'm going to bed.