I want to change a trend which has been going on for quite a while at the moment. When I go to clubs/bars there are only two outcomes. The first one is if I drink - time of my life, talking with everyone, hero on the dance floor, not caring about the others attitude that I love. The other one is if I don't drink - then I find it hard to let go, I don't feel confident at all at dancing, socializing etc.
My quest, from today on, will be to cut down on the alcohol completely and force myself to behave in the same way I do when I drink. The pros would be incredible: health gain, money gain, transportations problems solved, even more chances with chicks.
TL, do you experience the same thing? Did you have this problem and did you solve it? I'm curious about this because I talked I some people I know from different social groups and this problem always lingers around.
I only agree with the dancing part.When I go to a club it has to be high or drunk because there's no way I'm gonna dance sober. Issue I'm having with clubbing really is that the music is so loud I can barely fucking communicate with anyone because my hearing is really really bad.
Idk,I wouldn't think too much about it OP,if you aren't out like every other day drinking and clubbing I see no reason why you should stop using alcohol as a bit of a social lubricant. My point is,being awkward and not letting go in a club environment and in every day life are different things and if you don't need alcohol in general to socialize and be yourself than I see no issue here.
It starts becoming problematic when you feel the the need to get fucked up in order to have fun. If not than I wouldn't worry about it.
I had the same issue but I think you have to deal with the fact that going in sober is always going to give you a different experience and you just have to embrace it.
One thing you can take away from is that there is nothing different about being outrageous whether your drunk or sober. Its all in your head. If you did something and it worked out well drunk, its also going to work out well sober. Its just that when your drunk, you just don't care, when you're sober you do.
If you're like me, you're never going to go in with the same energy and vigor unless you've drunk a lot.
On November 18 2013 21:26 sluggaslamoo wrote: I had the same issue but I think you have to deal with the fact that going in sober is always going to give you a different experience and you just have to embrace it.
One thing you can take away from is that there is nothing different about being outrageous whether your drunk or sober. Its all in your head. If you did something and it worked out well drunk, its also going to work out well sober. Its just that when your drunk, you just don't care, when you're sober you do.
If you're like me, you're never going to go in with the same energy and vigor unless you've drunk a lot.
Yeah this is pretty spot on and your 2nd paragraph is food for thought! I want to go in with the same energy - I need to practise and it's gonna be hard
I find that drinking just helps you get your words out before your insecurity can convince you not to (when it comes to girls). The trick is to take all the successes you gain while you're drunk and have the confidence to do the exact same thing when you're sober.
Vodka says: Yeah man you totally can dance.
Well its super hard, facts are :
drinking makes you a worse dancer
There is nothing you cant do sober, you just feel a lot less shame. Most of us will only be willing to make a fool of ourselfves drunk.
Consider that noone cares about you dancing when you are drunk, then just try to have fun with it sober. Practice in front of a camera or mirror. - learn something that you can look at yourself and go "hey, thats not too horrible"
In all honesty though, my experience is, that dancing like an idiot to have fun with the people you are out might get 90% of the people to look at you funny. but thats also the only way Ive been asked to dance by girls.
Dancing like you have an image to keep has never gotten me anywhere.
yeah. agree. when you can be drunk without alcoho. thats true power
Idk, I think clubs are drinking encouraging environment and most bars too.
If you rather want to talk or pick chicks you can do that in restaurants/lounge bars or even on plain street. I find plain street is most rewarding place if you just try.
maybe you need to find the right music genre
some music just makes my booty move yaknow