Man, another day of school, but due to an afterschool rehearsal for something (which I'm forced into) I could only come home very late... man it's annoying to feel like I have no time. I spent all of my free time during school working on homework so that I could play sc2 and actually write up something worth shit today, but all was for naught T.T.
When I have time I must say that writing battle reports really takes my mind off things and makes me feel fairly good. Of course I don't always have the time nor materials for a really good battle report, but when I make a good one it feels so awesome. This really is my only way that I can make anything close to contributing to the scene, but even in this small way I still am reaching some readers <3.
Since I would like to make sure that my battle report write ups are still fun to read, I'd like to ask a few things on how I could improve... Do you guys think I need to find more exciting games? Choose games of other, higher level players (probably gotta find them at random)? Try some off-racing casually for a different perspective? Vocab increase (ew)? Write more like a story? Write more straight up facts? What do you guys think. I'm always open to suggestions, and I know that I can only improve in writing these. Thanks in advance to anyone who gives out suggestions... and many thanks to any regular readers, your meager views give me motivation to continue with such a seemingly meaningless blog <3.
I've read most of write ups, only ones I dislike are stupid ones like these with no battle report.
I enjoy reading these! I love the battle reports. To me, anyway, it doesn't really matter what kind of game it was. I just like the pictures, lol.
And I like these kind of explanation blogs. It's nice to know *why* there wasn't a daily today, and I can see them greatly increasing the likely hood that you'll keep going once you do have time for a battle report (since you're still "in the habit" of posting everyday). Life happens, sometimes.
I like your reports, dude, and it's good that you keep up your habit of daily, or near daily blogging that's the main thing. As long as you keep enjoying it, keep doing it. You write your full battle-reports well, as they are almost in a story format and the pictures fit the story, and the captions are usually funny. If you can, include your characters a little more in the story and battle-report. The adventures of Johnson, Emily, Mike and Snowden (with the occasional appearance by Clyde) are usually entertaining reading. But, don't force them to be there if they don't fit that story or battle report. HF!
:D Well thanks for the support guys... and although I feel a bit sheepish about it after having posted a blog post just like this, I think that I'm basically going to be cutting down this daily into something a lot smaller (likely weekly). I've had a bit of a rough start with school, and because of that I really started to think more about what I wanted to do in the future... and the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much time I'd been "wasting" playing sc2. So often I didn't even enjoy playing SC2 and yet I play it as if I expect to become a pro. Maybe I could become a pro (at something sc2 related, not necessarily playing) but even if I had the capability to I don't actually fully commit myself to SC2. I still cling to getting good grades and what not.
Long story short I think that I'm still going to keep writing, it's a good habit IMO and it gives me something to do out of habit. However, not daily like I always have been doing, and the amount of sc2 I play (and how seriously I play it) will likely go down. There is a plus side to writing less frequently, in that I might be able to actually give out higher quality material every week ^^.
that feels pretty badly written. I'll probably write more/better tonight in a new blog post.
Aw. less SC2 and less battle reports. 
Fair enough, though. School and good grades are way more important. GL!