Uh... I was going to write a battle report about the games that I played, but since we were doing it in a 1v1Obs arcade map, it seems like some simple stuff is gone wrong... simple stuff as in my structures are completely invisible in the replay. .___________. I guess I'll just go over some thoughts I had about my game play. No real product to give out today guys, sorry!
In the PvZ that I played, I noticed some key things that I was fucking up on.
1) My scouting still is pretty bad at some points. Constant scouting is critical with my build but I hadn't been scouting as much as I was just turtling via oracles... I should probably get into the habit of having 1 or 2 oracles to scout/harass while the others stay back to defend.
2) Bad warp gate timing. I definitely need to get out a few zealots when I'm attacked, but as it stands my warp gate research often is far too late. I also need to balance out my warpgate count a little bit because in one game I had too many gateways and not enough resources to suppliment the gateways.
3) Defending the 4th. Sometimes the 4th is a bit of a throwaway 4th that's meant to force a reaction from the enemy, but on this occasion my 4th was pretty much helpless because of my bad warpgate balance and lack of pure oracles to make up for lack of gateway count. Had I had some zealots to tank/draw fire, my oracles could have defended my first 4th base.
4) Supply block. Come on me, I'm getting supply blocked at the worst of times, when i really need the supply to warp in defenses. Gotta top getting supply blocked. More pylons in the main! MOAR!!!
5) Although I couldn't see enough shit in my replay of the obs game to make a proper battle report, I could see what the others were doing... I love how people always have no faith in me whenever I go skytoss
Well that's about it for today since I couldn't really use the materials I need. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Check out the website for my currently-residing clan, Not-A-Chance gaming!
Also give some love to the old clan I used to be in, Dark Onyx!
Must... study.... study... or nap.