Now that I have had a job for a while, I have always wanted to pursue one of my dreams of creating a "mancave' or awesome gaming set up. I want to create a complete set up of a dual monitor computer set up and also xbox360/TV/couch set up.
During the last MLG, I remember watching an video/ad about how a person won the Red Bull gaming set up giveaway contest. The video showed the entire set up the Red Bull team designed for the lucky individual and his reaction. It included a TV, couch, MLG gear, red xbox controller, fridge with red bull, and a computer set up (that's all I can remember). I know that redbull does this every year since I applied one year.
Does anyone know where I can find the video so I can try to purchase some items in the video? I am trying to recreate a full set up and don't know what kind of lazy couch or futon or normal couch to use. I also want to copy some of the details in the video but I just cannot remember it all off the top of my mind.
Thanks for making a Childhood/Gamer dream come true!!