Again, this is mainly just a rambling of mine, largely incoherent, really badly phrased because I really don't want to proofread. I understand that different people will have different opinions about esports and will have varying degrees of passion for it, this is just my opinion.
The more I think about this whole "esports" business, the happier I get that I don't give a damn about it :D.
That's not to say that I don't enjoy playing SC2, or watching really good players play the game. Like thousands of others, I've watched a lot of GSL/WCS/MLG/IPL/NASL/DH/IEM, posted a lot in LRs, and spent plenty of time watching live streams or replays of pro players. I've laddered, monobattled, BMed because of stupid losses, balance whined, dicked around in custom games, did the whole "lemme troll bronze players on a second account" thing, the works. I do consider myself a fan of SC2, I love the game for its competitive edge, and I enjoy improving at the game.
But when people start talking about "esports'? I yawn and roll my eyes. When other forum posters talk about contributing to esports, setting up clubs or websites to make esports grow, or use phrases like "_____ is hurting esports", "_______ will improve esports", I just zone out. So repetitive, so pointless.
I'm not interested in the direction SC2 goes in the future. At best, I'm indifferent, because if it does become super popular, great! I guess there'll be more players to talk to? If SC2 dies, oh well because I had a happy life before BW, I lived fine when I took a year and a half off from WoL, and I'll be fine after HotS or LotV. Like most other people, SC2 is only a part of my life.
I enjoy the competitive nature of SC2. I love the tournaments, and above all else I love the fun, but if you're asking me to consider "the bigger picture" and work at getting GSL players trending on twitter, or buying merchandise, or setting up school clubs for SC2, or trying to increase viewer count, or in other ways promoting esports, then sorry, not interested

And if the death of esports in turn kills off the competitive SC2 scene? Ehhh oh well, it's funner when you're playing with your friends anyways :D.