So... we all hate proxies, right? Here we are, minding our own business, trying to macro up and go 3 bases or more. And then bam. The sneaky little fucker decides to blindside your impeccable below-grandmaster/master league macro with some stupid 2rax, cannon rush or even proxy hatches. And properly fucks you over.
Yup, that's exactly what happened today. Not in-game, unfortunately. In real life.
I'm a rather easygoing guy. Takes a lot of stress to throw me off; I'm rather manner (or least I'd like to think so), giving everyone in ladder a "gg, wp" when I lose, even complimenting them afterwards if they had a particular aspect about them that impressed them, whether it was scouting, macro, multitasking, micro; etc.
But that's my nighttime job. In the day, I work as a conference assistant for summer camps and take classes. It's hectic because the camps came in and the entire staff is trying to adjust and find efficient methods of watching the kids. And kids will be kids, because unfortunately they're at the stage where they think they're smarter than their elders and don't display as much respect. I know, because I ended that phase about 6 years ago and it's still fresh in my head.
At the same time, I'm trying to apply for a job at the quad (group of dorms) office, because it looks good on your resume that you're doing administrative work. The lady in charge of the specific office that I'm in charge of is rather impressed with my punctuality and my work ethic and she wants to hire me. Basically, this equals my game plan. Macroing up, planning on a FE or CC/Hatch first to make that bank.
Unfortunately, I got an e-mail last night (24 hours ago) from her saying that because I have a record of disciplinary misbehavior, she will NOT hire me for the fall. I was rather upset about that, because I was looking to have a day job instead of a night shift working for security. But I took it in stride because I will be meeting with her in the morning to appeal my case. So basically, this is analogous to seeing the pylon/cannon/gateway warping inside your base, the bunkers in front/behind of your hatchery; etc.
Just an hour ago, I received the following e-mail (spoilers; removed names and contact info for confidentiality):
+ Show Spoiler +
Dear B, G and A,
I am writing on behalf of D, Residence Hall Director for J College at __________ University. On March 14, 2013, a violation of the Terms of Occupancy was discovered in your room, A123, during monthly Health and Safety Inspections. Consequently, you must have a Disciplinary Conference with the RHD in order to determine whether you are responsible or not responsible for the violation.
This Disciplinary Conference does not need to be held in person. RHD D is reachable by phone, Skype, or Facetime. The hearings will take between 15-30 minutes, and can be held any day between now and July 12th. After July 12th, the hearing will be held in your absence, and a default finding of responsible will be registered.
To schedule your hearing, please email D no later than Friday afternoon, June 28th. His email address is: Please address all queries regarding your case and hearing to his address, as your file is confidential and our office staff has only been given access to your names and contact information.
Thank you,
________ Summer Conferences Assistant
I've only been documented once, and I remember that documentation. I don't party, I don't do drugs; I don't bring unwanted guests; it was because we had a "fire hazard" in our room. What was said "fire hazard"? My hamper, which I temporarily set down on the floor in the middle of the room because I was on my way to do laundry. Unfortunately, the RA who was doing room inspections took her job a little to seriously, in my opinion. She said she was doing her job, which I honestly don't want to fault her for, but now that it's come to this, I'm forced to think she was a little too extreme and overzealous in doing her job.
Not only that, but the other RA who was on duty with her, my friend, just stood by and watched her document us without a single interjection. He was pretty much the SCV you had on auto-repair but didn't attack the ling/zealot when you a-moved your units to defend.
And now, I'm trying to contact him via text and chat, only to receive no response. So basically, it's only me now, as my other roommates are nowhere near campus and cannot make it to the hearing at all.
For starters, I e-mailed my RHD back. It is as follows:
+ Show Spoiler +
Hi D, how is Summer Conference going for you?
I'm writing this e-mail in regards to a notification that B, G (who was misnamed 'Gregory') and I received recently about a Disciplinary Conference that we need to have with you as a result of a Health and Safety Inspection on the 14th of March 2013.
Before I ask to co-ordinate with you about the more logistical aspects of this conference such as what date would be most advantageous for all parties involved, I would like inquire about the details of this charge. I am already aware that the charge is under Health and Safety, but I would also like to know what the exact charge was and which RAs were conducting the inspections on that given date.
Other than that, I look forward to hearing back from you before this Friday, June 28th, as that was the deadline that was given to us to contact you before the hearing is held without our presence.
Thank you for your time and co-operation.
Thoughts? Any chance of me holding this proxy rush off? Because I've heard stories of other students being implicated for stupid reasons and not winning their case.