Right, well I'm around a week into the DPI change and things are going swimmingly, I've basically reached the point I was at before but I feel less flustered when trying to pull off difficult mouse movements.
For those of you mouse experts who see this then you will probably want an Osu! vid, so I recorded one and uploaded it to youtube:
Apologies for the terrible video quality, my connection here isn't too great. Oh and sorry for the song, I know it's obnoxious but it was the best beatmap I had that reflected how I'd progressed.
As you can see I miss several circles and my mouse movements aren't the most precise, however I feel missing some of the circles was due to not really having played the game too much, I still screw up what some of the prompts mean etc.
I've been unable to play much Dota 2 recently due to a bad connection (the main reason for my change) so I've been only able to play SC2, I'll try to get a battle report together sooner or later if I get a good game.
Thanks for reading! <3