Hey guys!
You are new to this blog or missed the last couple of posts?
If you are new you should check out my first entry in which I explain the concept of this blog.
If you missed the last few entries just go to my blog and check out the missed posts.
You should also make sure to follow our Twitch.tv channel as we are streaming our practices from Sunday to Thursday at 7pm British Time.
Funday Monday was fun!
We tried some lvl 1 Roshing out (top secret!) and it worked very well (in my opinion) and we won two quick games. Unfortunately Robin and Long were about 1 1/2 hours late (they were on some meeting to create a Nazi Sweden..Apparently I am their leader now..) so we could only fit these two games in.
Back to the next level strategies and the headline though.
My Bear is shit!
I played two games of Lone Druid today and didn't get a single important entangle off. How sad is that? Haven't played Lone Druid in practice for like 2 weeks and then when I play it again my bear this lazy thing does not even entangle properly.
Fun fact:
We played the same team twice today.
The first time we got our Rosh first off and the second time we baited them they went to check and we got a triple kill.
What's up tomorrow? Aggressive play!
We will try to get some aggressive tri-lanes going and play very aggressively in general. Get some early kills, push our advantages, get back into games aggressively etc.
On Wednesday we will have no practice because Long and Robin are gone again and there will also be no stream because I will use the time to revise for my Mathematics exam on Thursday.
Thinking about that the current situation is quite scarry anyway. I really feel like I am actually addicted to the game now. This is not something I am proud of but really rather scared because before I could always enjoy other things like talking to friends or going out for the night etc.
But now I always crave for Dota and I forget everything else.
Compared to Dota nothing matters anymore and the better I get the more important Dota gets.
My goal is to become a competitive player and everything else seems to be completely unimportant. Some weeks ago I used to care for school and all but now everything I think and dream of is Dota. I am quite lucky that I am very good at school anyways and uni is over for me now so I can actually concentrate on my little gaming career.
What are your experiences with gaming in general?
Did you ever realise that you were very addicted to a game?
Did you ever have funny dreams about games or gaming in general?
Share your stories with me and I will share mine with you next time. (let's see if anyone cares about them and actually replies ^.^)
Do you have any other questions? I am happy to reply to any of them!
NoLuck out!
P.S.: I want to comment on a little line that I've seen as a signature of one of the readers (his name is YouthSC) : "The more I practice, the luckier I get!"
I am afraid this does not apply for me..My bear is still lazy as shit!