I've been focusing on ladder some more. I honestly feel that this isn't the best way to practice but I do enjoy playing the game and seeing where I'm at. I lost 1 league (From Plat to Gold) when I started laddering with the Core but I've quickly made up most of my points. I should be back in plat in the next week and then I can start working towards getting back into Diamond where I was when I started to level out before.
One thing I've noticed is that during ladder games, I often do worse at hotkeying than I do during my training with the CPU and maps. I'll try to focus on that more but when I have to make a choice between hotkeying and winning a micro battle, I often choose the battle. This leaves me having to spend a lot of time after the battle trying to get everything in order. I feel that eficiency gains there will go a long way.
One note is that the core has allowed me to get pretty good at oracle all-ins. I have a ways to go but I feel that I can do this build with enough skill now to ladder my way to Diamond. The next month will prove or disprove it. If I start losing, then I can switch to that to steal some ladder points.

Thanks for reading!