Oh and also a quick question beforehand to anyone who may know; did the blog title's get a shorter letter limit?? I originally called my blog "Phalanx's Daily Dosage of Laddering" or something, but once I checked it out today I could only see "Phalanx's Daily Dosage of"... and after I tried to re-write it, I couldn't even get up to dosage.

replay : http://drop.sc/335485
The Game
Early Game
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A PvZ on Zerus Prime... I'm starting to think that I'm going to veto this map. I just don't like the rocks on the side of the natural nor the shape of the choke leading into the natural. Anyways, as for my build, today I had decided to try out something that focused a lot more on stargate than usual. I started out with a gateway expo, but then decided to transition into a confused wall-in with a late forge.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GHtahLS.png)
You call that a wall?
Meanwhile our zergy enemy decides to spice up the early game! A 7 roach rush, which was somewhat inadequately scouted by me, pops out at the 6 minute mark. Funny how the one game I decide to get a fast voidray they decide to get fast roaches! Free food!?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/RbLR34Z.png)
The roaches go marching 1 by 1, huraah...
I really must emphasize that this game shows a great example of how NOT to wall. It actually was my first real wall-off on this map, so I could have done so much better. Anyways, the roaches get more damage in than they really should have, taking out a few units before my first voidray comes along to clean up.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PlLqNKO.jpg)
Though the attack didn't deal any extreme amount of damage, the general badness of the build that I made up as I went did me in as far as economy goes. The zerg got up his 3rd hatch, good and healthy, and even throws down a hydralisk den. Meanwhile, I decide to get a 2nd stargate... and fail to start a robo. I've been thinking of switing back to an old style I used to use, getting mass voidrays and ht, but I had been quitting that ever since zergs started to really get hydralisks faster. Now that I'm a bit better, perhaps it's time to bring it back into fashion...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/H0C3MQ0.png)
In my ever-greatness, I also forget to try harrassing with my voidrays. Brilliant! Had I gone for a harass, I might have even been able to snipe down a hatchery because he really didn't like to make spore crawlers. Sigh, if only I weren't as stupid a few hours ago.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LTBBpeb.png)
Emily patiently stands guard over the rocks; you never know when they'll turn on you.
Mid Game
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Here we see that I run into a problem that I seem to have a lot when I lose... letting the zerg freely drone up. To any lower level players, I really must emphasize how important it is to pressure a zerg and slow down their economy, even a little bit. Those suckers can drone up SO fast, and if you let them get going you'll never even see it coming. Had I pressured, I may have been in a better spot.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/SzSmBMz.png)
Small mobilization, after making no units what so ever after the 7RR.
I luckily have some cannons at my 3rd base ramp, and the addition of some extra photons by Emily smashes the zergs in the face. However, more than repelling the attack, it's more correct to say that the zerg just backed off. I don't quite have enough firepower with my voidrays to deal with all the hydras, so the battle ends fairly evenly.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nt9fgE4.jpg)
Why do these needles hurt so much?
My build starts getting way off the norm at this point, making a total of 4 stargates and starting to pump voidrays. The only thing is that I forget that I can't really support 4 SG off 3 bases, and I fall behind on teching to HT (so essential vs hydralisks).
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/JuyfxXR.png)
Chrono ALL the buildings!
I also think that the build that I was kind of aiming for called for some DTs as well, although I forgot/didn't have the cash for those either. All in all my macro this game just was not what it should have been.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/l7fquzB.png)
Flesh, oh so much flesh.
End Game
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Now the economy difference comes crashing into my face. I still haven't even fully saturated all bases, and meanwhile the zerg army of roach/hydra just comes knocking at my door.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cuUwyzT.png)
You came to the wrong neighborhood mother#@%^er!
With a beautiful lack of micro, I immediately lose Emily to the hydras, and start getting my ass handed to me as my voidrays beam-up the zerg for dear life.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0IGT4n0.jpg)
Get your shit together Emily!
The battle doesn't go as bad as it could have, but I lose my base... while the zerg gets all the bases he can reach his fat creep out to.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sf7cZK7.jpg)
Badabing, Badabang.
I manage to get storm up before the next wave hits, but unfortunately I warp in templar to morph into archons right as roaches run up my ramp... great. His persistence with roaches was rather surprising, what with me getting mass voidrays, but it actually ended up well for him because I got behind on economy and actually couldn't utilize all of my stargates.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PiYi7qo.png)
Sour about that warp in.
My templar waste away their lives with but a couple of storms even going off, all the while with voidrays running about out of position.... And it all falls apart.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7EffHun.jpg)
We didn't like those HT much anyways.
I try to hold out for a little bit longer, but I'm just overwhelmed. As soon as my fleet of voidrays are dead, the game has been lost.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/vRt1j6T.png)
There's Zerg everywhere! We're not going to make it!
A small PSA for those of you out there who like to eat; Never get too fat to get through your wall. This archon learned so the hard way.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/4eafoI2.png)
It's ok guys, I think I can squeeze through... HELP ME!!!
So... yeah. Another unsatisfying loss! Lesson learned, don't let the zerg freely drone up, and don't forget to get HT and maybe even some DTs quickly! Cya beautiful readers again tomorrow, and if you get the chance, eat some good souffle!
Dark Onyx requires more supply!
A black Corgi.