my heart is aching
i need someone, somenow
ive waited so long for you
it feels like i lost an old friend i never had.
hi, how are you?
who the fuck are you?
i miss you.
i need you.
i feel like im bleeding, my soul's receding.
but i wont stop believing until ive received
what i KNOW is coming to see me.
if i did, you'd miss me.
it is my DUTY to find you,
remind you of the life you knew
when you were a child, before your heart ached too.
we all have someone to find.
i know that somehow we'll find each other
but it's taking so long!
is our love really so strong
that it needs to take us this long
so that when we DO meet, we'll be swept off our feet?
so that we know - FINALLY - "you're the one for me?"
"you're the one I need?" "you're the one from my dreams?"
or am I late for my mee-ting?
believe me, sometimes it feels like
you're waiting. but my heart is aching and I don't feel
like waiting anymore!
I don't want to miss these days we could have shared
When will somenow find me? Somewhen? Somewhere? Someone?
I've sat in my mind too long.
I've started thinking of all the places we'll go,
all the surprises I'll give you,
the accidents I've planned to woo you.
How are you today?
I really want to meet you today.
Is there something that you'd like to tell me?
Will you please pull me up from this hell?
I want to show you a paradise.
Maybe you've never felt this way before.
Maybe you have, I don't know.
All I know is you're the one for me,
you've been waiting for me,
crying in your sleep.
But you know I'm coming to rescue you,
girl from my dreams.
You know that someday, I'll find you.
Remember the time we met?
We were dreaming, and I had to leave,
but I told you I'd find you.
When I got up I looked and I looked,
but I didn't find you.
I haven't given up, but you feel so far away!
I just want this pain to go away.
Will you please stay
a while longer?
I promise I won't hesitate this time.
I'm not good at keeping promises.
Will you give me another chance?
I've never had a chance with you.
I've never met you, have I?
Am I blind? Or just unfortunate
that you're so hard to find?
Must I wait a day longer?
How many more smiling faces will I see
before I see yours?