This featured game is my second placement match and second official battle report. My zerg opponent is a bronze level zerg, while I'm playing random.
The game starts with the noble hero gracing the bottom right corner with his presence.
No, the noble hero is not my opponent.
My build of the match is a 14 pool 15 gas, while my opponent goes hatchery first.
Build orders sound better when they have more buildings in them.
I take the roach path while expanding and he obtains two queens while I can only muster up one.
That player is so good at making me not notice his drone that from now on we're going to call him the James Bond zerg.
He seems to be doing the infamous 8:00 roach baneling timing off two bases and 25 drones.
Apparently, he thinks I'm terran despite already scouting me.
The James Bond zerg aims to attack!!!!
… *9:30 roach baneling timing
I send my drone to his third, noting that since it must be ZvP based on how he's not playing, he should have a third, right?
Templar logic at his finest- if he's got fast banelings he obviously has a third base at 9:00.
So what on earth is the James Bond zerg doing? Is he trying to get us all killed?!
An epic battle ensues.
My favorite part is how we both let our resources climb to infinity during the battle.
Since I only lost one roach, I now put into plan...
The_CounterAttack now with 30% more roaches! Buy today!
If you can't see that then please go to , I need all the support I can get!
Back to the game...
He's barely spent any money since the battle…
Is this the end for our
…he's still hardly spent any money since attacking...
He engages with half of his roaches while he builds two overseers.
The cunning and handsome zerg spy aims to spot my burrowed roaches during the battle, AND he spent money. My evil plan has been foiled!
His next deadly move is to actually engage with his entire army while I start burrowing individual roaches.
Templar micro…
… at its finest.
The James Bond zerg knows how to exploit his enemies' weaknesses…
I'm forced to retreat.
Notice how I didn't spend any money all battle while he spent a bit.
Two minutes later, he suddenly sends all of his units behind the mineral line at the third to block my drop!
The only drop I have is my minerals/gas…
I go for another attack!
I will defeat you this time, James Bond!
I frantically reposition my roaches so they'll do better in the ensuing battle.
… Uh.
And I have to retreat again.
I acquire a fourth base.
That's a nice base you've got there, Templar. Where did you steal it?
I'm not the James Bond zerg, so his drones at his third quickly root out my drone mole.
…Or I could burrow it?
You aren't going to believe this, but I attacked again!!! Into his overseers!
Templar micro at its finest, anyone?
After letting my roaches
The_Templar's micro can't be good enough to land a fungal growth; someone must have taken over the keyboard.
…never mind.
I cunningly run away my infestors, which are pretty much not used again for the entire game.
I remembered upgrades just in time!
He got swarm hosts, burrowed them, unburrowed them, and moved them away to let the locusts mingle a bit.
"Hi. I'm Locustman. I was just born. Would you like to mate?"
"I'd rather d-" *both die*
"I'd rather d-" *both die*
I send out an overlord to obliterate everything. Overlords are pretty important.
Meanwhile, I split up a pack of zerglings that I made with extra minerals and sent them to my opponent's undefended expansions.
The results are pretty decent.
Meanwhile, I've built a large amount of units with my stellar macro.
James Bond surrenders quickly.
Actually, his name was Crimsong, but who cares.
The game concludes. I go on to place silver league after getting a 3-2 record. Is it me, or did bronze level players get a lot better? We'll see after I play more games.