To an extent the reason I lost is in a slight underestimation I made, seeing as my opponent was platinum league while I am diamond... but then again it was a pretty weird build to fight. It was very brief, and I've been slammed with school work this week, so at least I can count on the creation of today's post being brief.
Replay :
The game
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A standard, standard opening from yours truely Phalanx. Nothing interesting. Ever.
On the other hand, at 14 supply my enemy decides to drop down a forge.
So of course appropriate measures must be taken to combat a cannon rush... Like pulling some probes to take down his probe. Easy stuff, right?
That's right Johnson, taze his a$$!
Even wall off myself for good measure.
And so I decide to just build up a 4gate and go win. I've been busy, I'm tired, and I stopped his cannon rush. Lets just end this, eh? Meanwhile from his view...
Seems like this last ditch attempt shouldn't even work... but I'm sad to admit that it does... or at least I let it work. It should have been so simple to just make 1 stupid sentry at my base while the 4gate was building up, and it wouldn't have even interrupted my building. But no, I decided to just derp out and wait for warpgate. which came seconds too late.
sour about that supply block
And so I throw away what should have been an easy win. Perhaps I could have tried to struggle on and get the MSC out, but I felt like my chances at a comeback were quite slim. Honestly had too much on my mind, especially with an AP test coming up, and I just need to get over that obstacle before I can focus on SC2 properly again.
Lost the match, lost a girl (who perhaps never was interested in me in the first place... that could always relieve me of some self-critisizm). Just feel altogether bummed out at this week and this game definately didn't help me out with that. Don't even have enough time now to play more than this 1 game... If I get another game out for this blog tomorrow I'll make sure it isn't quite as embarrassing. Have a great day/afternoon, and stay pretty folks!
P.S. Support team Dark Onyx! What's not to love?
P.S.S. Another Corgi, who unlike me looks very happy.