The Terran way. It's the best. If there's one thing that I'm certain about, it's that Terran is the most dominant race by a landslide on the US east server, and not like US east is mind blowingly pouring with gamers left and right. The melee players on east is a small fraction compared to iCCup, but still, is there no Zerg or Protoss left to take the torch and take down the Emperor Terrans that for long have reigned over US east? Also, I have to note that literally ever single time I have seen a good Terran push 97 percent of the Protoss loses. The art of stopping the classic Terran push has been lost amongst the Protoss on US east. I notice one notorious guy called Nachal who's just your normal 'ol player who hosts obs games. He's Korean, lives in Korea, yet plays on US east. Most of the time he wins rather than the other way around. To this day I still have no idea why he chooses to play on US east, but I guess that's a preference thing.
That's not the reason though why I choose to play Terran. Simply put, it's because of Boxer. I just have to pull out the micro soul within me and slap my opponents with it like a wet noodle. I shall mind achingly study Terran plays, not just pimpest micro plays which although very fun to watch, won't help me in terms of mechanics. I gotta watch some grandiose replays! Whenever I play the Terran it feels like there is no winning or losing. There's always just fun. It just feels like I can do whatever I want without even thinking about it, and yes, it'd be pretty cool if I'd win with such crazy ideas, but sadly most of the time I just end up losing.
I remember this one time where I did a manner supply depot. What's that? You think I made a typo and meant to write manner pylon? Ohohohoho. You are sadly mistaken. That's right. Manner supply depot at a Protoss' base successfully trapping 3 Probes. Beat that. I didn't end up winning that game sadly. It was just not meant to be. Another time I devised a mind blowing Barracks 1 Fac Siege Tank build which I got from 1 game in an obs game. It's highly susceptible to mass lings. In fact, everything feels susceptible to mass lings if you're doing a 1 base play like 2 rax academy or 3 rax academy. It just don't fit. If anyone can help me with that 2 rax 3 rax academy play, post it down below. I wish my Vulture drops were more effective, but they fizzle out most of the time. Not exactly sure why. I guess I'll post a few replays in the strategy section detailing my latest troubles or just searching up Liquipedia and threads that probably already address my concerns.
Merci, bye