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You should also make sure to follow our channel as we are streaming our practices from Sunday to Thursday at 7pm British Time.
Sorry for not writing a blog entry yesterday but we cancelled practice due to Beana not being there.
Today we played pub CMs with a friend of Long and Robin because Beana could again not make it which was quite refreshing though because we could finally try out some new heroes.
The first game was a bit of a fail as we all just fucked around a bit and didn't concentrate and therefore got destroyed.
I also learned that you get completely raped as a Slark if you go for the wrong item build.
Second game was a lot better because I demolished their dual-lane (they had a jungler) completely with my Slark and to be honest...They were shit lol.
But why am I talking about a stand-in now?
Well, Long will be gone from the 8th until the 13th which most likely means that we will have to play the first round of Starladder without him
This is infact very bad as this is our first tournament and we really wanted to show what we got but what's even worse is that we have severe problems finding a stand-in.
In the end we found Paul, a pub AP player who is part of the community Brutal Insanity, but due to his non existing CM and competitive Dota experience we are afraid things could go horribly wrong.
He usually plays solo-mid but we all decided that it would be a waste to put Robin somewhere else in order to give Paul his usual position.
Therefore we will try him out as a support because he said he often plays it in pub games, too.
My problem with that is that pub support and actual Dota support are two different worlds.
In fact pub Dota and "team Dota" are two completely different things in my opinion anyway.
Well..We didn't find anyone else so I guess we will have to deal with it and try to use Paul's pub skills as much as possible and compensate his weaknesses with good team play to archieve our goal. (which is surviving Starladder until Long is back)
That said I should probably just try to sleep now because it is already 2 am here and I have to get up at 6 am already.
Unfortunately I spent the last 30 minutes with staring at the ceiling hoping to fall asleep eventually which was not quite successful as this little blog proves..
Well..If I can't find any sleep in the next 30 minutes I will just stay up all night and perfect my Slark skills in order to pub stomp a bit more tomorrow.
Thanks for reading this again!
Questions? You got 30 minutes
NoLuck out!