I'm at work, and am willing to play with you (PM me your SC2 name, and I'll hit you back with mine), but here are a few pointers:
Get 1 build order, and stick with it. I don't care how you decide on one, just find something you want to be really good at that revolves some sort of gameplan. For example. my 1 build (i'm platinum) is centered around mutalisks. I did some math, figured out how many gases for long I would need so I could build 12 mutas and start gaining map control.
From there I just kind of wing it. I'm slowly developing a better end game plan from my muta build based on what my opponent does, but it takes time and practice.
So yeah, first find a build order that gets you to where you want to be. Medivac drops, MarineMineMedivac, Marine Tank, Mech, etc.
Second, practice that build order until mid diamond to masters. Once you have mastered this build, mastering another build will become more natural for you.
Third, don't give a crap about losing. Generic, but it's true. You're going to make mistakes ("my biggest problems is that when i attack or go into a fight i completely forget about building or army or my econ"), and when you can point at them, that means you can fix them.
FYI - I am platinum, but I won't mind talking you through games, or watching you play in general. Like I said, hit me up with your name and I'll send you a message when I get on in 8+ hours, haha.