I've played WoL since release. I'm bad at the game. After several seasons in silver, I got promoted to Gold this season (and got the RT from Day[9]). I've taken photos at insomnia46, chatted to Apollo and TB at previous LANs; (neither of them would care or remember). I've tried to make maps (only one of them was any good). None of my friends seem to play the game anymore, though they will still watch the streams of tournaments, we as a group have moved onto DotA2.
This is a post to try and gee myself up for the final forty push.
960 wins as Pv* 1v1. There are only 40 more wins left before I consider my SC2 WoL life complete. Given my complete lack of skill and 60ish APM, This may be over 100 games, as I struggle to win as Protoss.
From the first season, and playing some practice games and landing in Bronze, to now - mid gold league, I have seen fads come and go. Some still exist, some are so damn annoying that I still hate them. (Mass muta? why?!. Mass Roach? come on...)
The fact is, at my level of SC2, mass roach is just ridiculous. Zerg just 1a, and if you magically hold the stephano style push, they reinforce with more roaches.... Otherwise known as the "R" strategy. Trying to play standard in gold doesn't work for me, so I'm reduced to four-gating and hoping i can at least take the natural.
"Your macro is terrible!" I see you type. "Scout more!" they say. "Probes!"
Thing is, I scout and see the early 6 pool, and hold. That's fine. I'm generally not crippled by it, and then can attack to stop the wave of roaches the other guy is trying to mass up.
I generally think that PvZ is ok. Roaches need a cheaper counter for me to be happy with it, but thats why this is a blog from a amateur gold leaguer.
PvT is a crapshoot. you either survive the 9-13 min mark and win or die horribly without HT.
Until HoTS, when I will probably just watch the streams and fail more at DotA. The rage in that game actually shows that the sc2 scene is generally more mannered and less rage-y than I thought. Which really isn't saying much.
I guess with 40 more wins to go, the end is in sight, and Its almost close enough to reach out and touch. In the average ladder, none of us will get to GM, none of us will compete at the big events, and its enough to set ourselves the goals that are reasonable. For me, that's 1k wins, without throwing a game. My MMR is what I can be.
If you see me on the EU Goldish ladder, give me a wave. The average player in the sc2 game which is fading slowly, until the expansion revigorates the scene. 40 more to go!
Im right with you. I really wanted tassadar so i've been playing hella games to reach it.
Insomnia lan FTW. You going to any of this years?
After an evening of counter-cheese and some really fun matches on Daybreak, i can chalk 5 more wins onto the board. Really interesting PvT to finish, with a very back and forth game that I won just by having more HT than the guy had medivacs. Feedback seems underused, but storm is oh so very good.
On January 31 2013 08:31 Zealos wrote: Insomnia lan FTW. You going to any of this years?
As for insomnia lans, yeah, I do go to them, but I doubt I can get the time off for the next one.
I expect a 1k wins blog when it happens.
Getting there slowly, I have less than 20 wins to go now. Some awesome games, enjoying PvT a lot more now. No Idea why!
Its done! It is finally done!
For some reason, SC2 WoL is laggy as hell since the Terms of service update went up, with 23 second lag-spikes (on right clicking a unit) the main annoyance this evening!
The 1000th win turned out to be a PvP on Akilon, with the "evil" opponent going for the tried and true 11gate proxy, into 3 proxy gate zealots.
I scouted the pylon after I took 15 gas, immediate gateway into chrono'd zealots whilst getting my core, adn eventually held with stalkers vs zealots. Then, once the proxy was killed off, I five-gated with my hidden probe's pylon, expanded, and then the guy didnt gg out 
He only had one pylon left, so after double expanding, tech-ing up (well, its a good time to practice macro) I cannoned his last pylon, forcing the gg.
Its been a long road, with gold being the pinnacle of the SC2 that I have played. The meta game shifting that day9 and apollo do with their videos is both great to see, and heartbreaking when you see yet another terran/zerg doing the same thing over and over again.
Weirdest thing about today? I saw a zerg 1 base all in me.
Not seen that in YEARS.
I can finally consider SC2 "complete" now, until the expansion!
Man, I don't even have 500 1v1 wins on my main yet -_-