I'm pretty stoked to win a TvZ on iccup. I used to play zerg and reached C- right before sc2 beta came out and haven't really played on iccup since. I played an occasional game on iccup for fun, but most of my game time was devoted to practicing sc2 as terran for CSL. Then the queen patch came out, so fuck that. I started playing bw again recently after not really playing anything besides dota2 with friends after about half a year. I really don't like ZvZ and I dodge it, so I dabbled in protoss for a little while. I hit D+ by stomping noob terran with 10/15 gate but PvZ was impossible to win, so playing PvZ ZvP ZvT was out of the question. So I decided to try out playing TvZ mech. Partially because big clunky units made sense to me (think marauders....) and partially because TvZ mech is like the most imbalanced thing at noob level and I remember raging a lot about losing to mech on destination and HBR.
So I present to you a shitty battle report! + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1wGNibO.jpg) Fighting Spirit, I spawn bottom right T, he spawns top left Z. We open pretty standard, I wallin and rax gas, he goes 3hatch gas. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/SjYQNfn.jpg) Hey it's the 1/1/1. I'm going to copy the fantasy build that he used vs ggplay: vulture drop with mines into valk/gol vs muta. He sees my initial vulture and builds a hydra den in response. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YZlpq5T.jpg) Oops.... I forgot to mine up his third. It's okay, I've got 4 vultures with mines in his base. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/aBTQQdX.jpg) awwww yeahhhhhh I hate vultures so much, but I'm on the terran side this time, so it's okay. I have very bad memories of losing to speed vultures. I kill about 10 drones and get about 5-6 hydras with mines here, so I'm in pretty good shape even though I let him get his third up for free. He skips mutas altogether, leaving my valk/gol in my natural very lonely ;( ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/xuupjys.jpg) I push out about 100 supply while trying to take my third. I think I took the wrong third. It's okay though, there's lots of hydra blood everywhere. He holds though, and my push is stalled. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7Kjs6nm.jpg) This is a little scary. He has a huge hydra counterattack when I've got all my units in the middle of the map, and I've only got two tanks. However, by pulling scvs from my nat and fighting with reinforcements I'm able to kill about 30 supply of hydras. We trade thirds after we both remacro up a bit. He had a hidden top right base that I completely missed out on scouting until my fourth CC floated over. Zerg is pretty starved out at this point; he never really redroned after my vulture drop and has had to keep producing hydras to stop me from pushing out. I hit 2-2 and about 160ish supply and push out with a huge tank force. This time all his hydras melt and it's GG.+ ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9Q49esp.jpg)
I feel pretty awesome about this win, especially because he was D+ and korean and this was my 4th? game of tvz on iccup ever. My first three losses were pretty bad.... bio vs 1hat muta, mech vs hydra break, and mech vs 2hat muta. I think this win was pretty much getting that money vulture drop, however. Once I get my TvZ a little more consistent I'll start playing on my other account again and play all matchups TvZ ZvT ZvP instead of dodging like I do now.
Well done sport! Your waaay ahead of me, I think i got like 1-12 in stats (the 1 win was someone being afk not building anything, so it really is 0-12)
Where dat snitch at?36924 Posts
Gratz! I remember playing on iCCup several years back. It was torture Oo;; Every win meant so much...
TLADT24920 Posts
Nice job! I mostly play bio in TvZ and I think I've only ever won several times against D- Zerg players but I came close to win against a D player several days back lol. I've been meaning to try mech but I dunno, felt like it might be a bit too easy to win if I tried it XD I've also lost to a lot of muta play. Nowadays I make like 10 turrets just for mutas. It might be a lot but I build up the number slowly after the initial 4-6. Makes my bases feel that much safer lol.
iCCup was the most intense experience...oh man, I've never had such bad shakes in gaming.
Grats on your win, even if it was with mech T_T (I seriously HATED that back when).
love playing on ICCUP. I play zerg and you're right mech is evil! haha, maybe see you online sometime. (stael on iccup)
grats nice & fun build, totally forgot about it. Wanna try that again when I get the chance. I'm about that level as well
United States10328 Posts
mech is the way to go at D/D- level TvZ
You definitely got the wrong 3rd and it ended up being like a hidden base from the zerg perspective lol
Wow congrats man. It must have been exhilarating!
I really like the fantasy build. I like overall mech as T (cause i never learned to micro marines properly).
A comment about your third base, "there is no wrong third base" . Sure, in this case the base at 6 o clock is more easy to defend cause its closer to youtr reinforcement route and the second entrance passes close to your natural, but on the other side you are expanding towards the zergs third base, and this allows you to bring you mech army closer to zerg.
A mistake i feel people do to much is to try and play like pros. The thing is, a lot of things the pros do is because of there macro/micro/multitask abilities. I found i play much better games when i try to emulate D+ players, than trying to emulate Flash or Fantasy. That being said, i really like this build 
Congratz on beating pesky zerg
Katowice25012 Posts
I would do mech if it worked better. My TvP is stronger than my TvZ, despite the imbalances. TvZ with 2 base mnm is just too hardcore for me. Too much micro for me to handle. Mech would suit me well, but it gets countered so easily in my experience. Either you have to catch zerg off guard, or do a perfect timing attack. It's definately viable against players who only does 3 hatch builds, but on ladder ppl tend to be more aggressive.
I'm a zerg who 3hatches all the time. But I think that with mines first you can delay a hydra bust for a pretty long time until you get siege and by getting the port you can fight 2hat muta evenly if you know what you're doing.
Super meta on the third. He had something positioned waiting for you to take a 3rd. But jokes on him you took the other third.
Haven't won a single game in BW yet. Then again, I've only played 5 games since I very rarely play.