So this blog is mainly me saying thanks to the nice folks of team liquid.
As many probably know I post a ton here and probably post more then I should. I also stream and post guides. I wanted to say thanks to the awesome people who would PM me with how it helped them, thanking me and asking me when I would release the next guide or whatever.
I can't count the number of times where I just end one of the most frustrating ladder sessions and am pist off, then get a PM of someone saying how they appreciate xx. I can't tell you how many times that made my rage just go away even for just a simple kind comment.
I Imagine I am not the only one, but when I get these it makes me happy to know that I am actually helping people who struggle in sc2 to get better and they take time out of their day to thank me for it.
In BW I always wanted to do this, but obviously I never deemed myself really worthy to ever post advice or anything since I was never very good only getting C (with 1 point away from C+ when season ended :D). I would also like to give a huge thanks to the people who did help out others and posted guides, I remember those helping me out a ton in BW especially with things I hated like sair/reaver (oh lord did facing that piss me off ).
I always said if I ever thought I got to that point where I am at a "high" level, I would post guides and help people. I believe I released my first guide in 2011 and that was mainly because this was when going hatch first vs a 14/14 in zvz seemed to be an instant loss. I never believed that and remember figuring out and watching high level players hold it, to the point where I held it 90% of the time and got many free wins from when people 14/14 ling/bane all in.
The amount of feedback I got on that guide surprised me and I got a lot of positive feedback which resulted in me to start writing guides in all match ups and more frequently.
So with the many pm's and what not of people telling me how helpful it was, it encourages me to do more and it's always nice to help people out and if it weren't for all the good feedback I probably would not have continued writing guides as much as I have. It has obviously been awhile since I last released a guide and I will say right now I will not be making anymore in WoL. The week of hots though I plan on releasing a guide for each match up, probably not all on the same day, but definitely 1 on release and the other 2 will either be within that week.
So mainly this blog is to give a huge shout out to all the people who do this to not only me, but to other players/writers/etc as well. I imagine most people who get these kind of PM's when they try to help, it makes them happy or if they are feeling down might put their frown upside down.
You never know, so again to all those people who do that to anyone you guys are awesome and hope you guys keep it up!