Things focused on: Protoss step 1 and 2
Completion of Focus: Step 1 down
End of Day Placement: Silver 459 (Down alot)
Well, I haven't updated this in a while. I was doing my juice fast and found I really didn't feel like playing. Just kinda felt... odd and like I couldn' concentrate as well as I normally can. Might have been slight caffeine withdrawals since I wasn't drinking any soda or anything either (which would explain the mile headache). But now my fast is over and I felt like playing, I played a little the other day and realized that I just don't like the way that Terran feels where I was at. I was working on tanks and it might just be that since I set tanks as my "woohoo I want that" goal in my head when I finally got to them I was a little disappointed but I think it's mostly I just didn't want to play Terran once I understood it better. So I decided to start the Staircase over at step 1 for Toss.
I found out that I really love ranged units. Zealots are awesome, up close. But since I couldn't get the charge upgrade anybody was able to micro the crap out of their roaches/marines and just make me look stupid. And since tonight I played against all the guys who LOVE to micro (and not macro at all) I seemed to have a ton of games that were micro centric and me just fighting with my zealots yelling "stop chasing them you stupid pieces of shit!" Okay I didn't do that a lot, but one game I did when the zerg decided that he was going to make 40 roaches and camp the front of my expansion picking off my zealots one at a time... I had 15 of them. So basically instead of attacking me and winning he essentially practiced kiting the zealots that came out of my gateways (the ones I hadn't had a chance to get the hold order to yet) making the game take at least 6 minutes longer than it should have. Then when I mentioned that to him he told me that I should have just gg'd after my 4 gate failed. Wow... cause that would be the WORST 4 gate ever. I don't even make a cybernetics core yet.
I don't mind losing, hell I don't even mind cheese, (I lost to a hilarious cannon rush) it's just games that take a LOT longer than they should because my opponent does things that elongate it that bother me the most. Yes, I'm talking to you Terran Turtler who sat in his natural with millions of tanks and 4 bunkers for a 38 minute game and then finally moved out with 16 3/3 speed reapers to destroy only my pylons. I probably wouldn't mind those games so much if I was also moving up the tech tree or something so that I could then come in with air attacks or... something. But instead I got to repeatedly max my zealots and throw them to the cannons to try and hold him to his base till he ran out of cash, then lose because I have no upgrades.
Oh well, stalkers are next and I can finally shoot things down. (The game I ran into mutas was hilarious, I just tried to base trade. )