I am a creative writing major at the University of Pittsburgh, and currently I am writing a short story called Grave Changes. It is a story about zombies and self discovery. Let us just say that it isn't your typical zombie story.
Here is the twist, and where you come in. I have recently moved all of my writing to my Google Drive account. The account is public as of today, and everything I write will be updated to it in real time. Below is the link to the story, upon accessing it with Google docs, you will be able to watch me write it in real time, as well as make any comments you like. If you have no google account or are not logged in, you will show up as anonymous, so don't worry about privacy or anything.
from tomorrow to the end of the week, I plan on finishing the story (as it is thanksgiving break for me). Don't expect many updates until tomorrow afternoon, because I will be traveling across country for the break and wont have internet access on the plane.
As far as the material at hand goes, I am currently in between drafts, and some of the story (especially after the first 10 or so pages), should have a few inconsistencies and plot holes that still need fixing. I know there is some poor writing in there, and I will be cleaning it up a little bit as well. I have two major sections that I need to outright add into the piece. So while the first draft is finished, there is still much work to be done, and there is still a lot of input I want from you guys!
I am very excited about exploring possibilities of Google docs as a writing tool, and as a fun experience. Let me be clear, I am not attempting to solicit writing advice from anyone here, and I am posting this up here for your enjoyment. I hope that intimately viewing the writing process will be interesting and informative to the smart people at TL.
Please enjoy! =)