Things focused on: The Staircase method, 50 SCVs in first 10:00, getting basic upgrades
Completion of Focus: Still havin' some issues with SQ, but only in really long games, hitting my 48 SCVs a lot more (I'm happy with 48, though 52 is optimal) and always had at least stim in my first attack.
End of Day Placement: Bronze (Top 8!)
Firstly, I just retried my mouse to see if it was still screwed up and it's working properly! Holy crap did I miss my mouse so much. So I am stoked to have it back and looking forward to relearning how to use it for Starcraft. (It feels different.) I have a few ideas though about some "hotkeys" to make be my 4th and 5th mouse button, something I hadn't thought of before I lost it and will have to see how that works. On the note of hotkeys I have changed my spacebar to be attack rather then the old "go to thing" button (which is now tilde) and I'm LOVING it. Finally something to do with my thumb while using normal hotkeys.
As far as actually playing today I had quite a bit of time to play and work on things, but had a hard time getting into it early on. I wanted to play but just couldn't seem to get into it. I did a few games against the very hard AI just working on getting SCVs and marines with no barracks and hit my 3 games with low SQ for the staircase thing, then I went back to my old marine marauder build I was using but now throwing back in an engineering bay AND having the same amount of bunkers. (crazy what more SCVs and better money management can do. )
Once I brought back in the reactors and tech labs and engineering bays I played a few games on the ladder and did okay and started to get back into playing a bit more, which was really well timed because I had to leave to go to my weekly apprentice class.
When I got home I played some more and did pretty well, won a couple of games, and one of them was against someone doing the exact same FilterSC build that I am working on but he was a step further making the medivacs and everything with it. It was an interesting game as he was late with his starport we attacked at the same time with almost exactly the same forces. I had a slightly stronger army but there were a few of them left behind for various reasons so he won the first battle but I had enough to fend off the rest and then he made a drop at the back of my base but I had so many more SCVs then him that it didn't hurt me much and I fended it off... while attacking he didn't macro (we're at the same skill level, that's why I stopped making medivacs for a bit ) and my army got bigger then his and I eventually won... I liked this game as it was a lot of fun and it showed me that my macro has been getting better and my play in general just seems more "crisp" then it was before, which is a good feeling and leads me to thinking that I'm on the right track... also ending the day in the top 8 again is also a good feeling of course as I've been there pretty solidly for the last few days, which is always good.
EDIT: Oh yeah, my new quote on the bottom is word for word what a silver level zerg player said to me earlier before surrendering after I beat him by macroing much better and just making TONS of marines to throw at him. I thought it was hilarious so put it up here.