I don't know how to start this but just to save you guys time from reading too much..
- I've been best friends with this girl for 5 years. She broke up with her boyfriend of 7 years not too long ago.
- We started seeing each other afterwards and something clicked between us and we fell for each other.
- After about 2 months, she confessed and was honest with me and said she needs space because she deeply likes me and cares about me as more than a friend but needs more time getting over her last relationship since it was such a long one. She forgets all her troubles when she's with me but when she's alone at home, her mind drifts and she goes through the stages of separation from such a long term relationship. She didn't feel good jumping from a long term relationship right into me. And to be honest, I think that's a smart move. If I was an outsider looking in, I wouldn't want myself to date someone who just came out of a long term relationship either because of the after effects.
- Anyway, I care about her too and we decided to have space. I'm not crying over her at all or anything. I do admit that I like her and miss her but haven't talked to her in a couple of weeks.
Tonight I find out, she is moving to the UK for a job from a mutual friend. My heart sank. We still haven't talked because well.. since we decided on space, I haven't given in and contacted her in any way.. and I don't plan to. Right now though, I do feel ... I don't even know. It's weird.
Because we didn't end on bad terms. We didn't cheat on each other. My feelings for her didn't change and her feelings didn't change either. She likes me still and even cried and didn't want to let go when we last talked. She seemed to be wanting me to change her mind but we both knew what she needed was not another boyfriend.
So here I am. Separated from a girl that likes me and vice versa but because of the timing and situation, we shouldn't be together. There are no jobs here in her field but there is in the UK.. and she's moving..
I don't want to sound cliche, stupid or naive.. and I've read books and seen movies where this scenario happens.. but the fact that it's happening to me now.. I don't even know what to feel.
![[image loading]](http://s1.cdn.cupidblogger.com/www/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/long-distance-relationship.jpg)
How long is she sticking around in London for?
I wonder why she has not told you yet. Yeah, you have an agreement not to contact eachother but that is pretty important since you guys kind of implied that not contacting is temporary and you might get together again.
ugh man, dating and relationships is actually one of the saddest things. Everyone thinks love is the miracle that will save them and then its never as perfect as anyone hopes.
Maybe you ought to contact her. Even if going toengland with her might pose problems of its own its the one of the few alternatives other than just letting the relatiion be only a small parrt of your life for an indefinite time.
Bon' voyage? There's not enough GIrl Blogs where u doods just grasp life by the balls. US has how many people in it? And how many of those people are female?
I'm sorry. I'm being a douche. I should feel something for you.
But now I think I realize why "game" has come about - b/c perhaps men were sick and tired of their loves leaving them....
And other reasons. .
On November 02 2012 09:15 Shady Sands wrote: How long is she sticking around in London for?
No idea.. but I know that she did her internship there and loved it. She wanted a job back home but there just aren't any jobs in her field..
Put that with the fact that she has family there makes me believe that an extended to permanant stay there is a possibility.
I mean... I've been through stuff before and I know that she isn't the only girl in the world and I've overcome difficult emotions before. But like I said in my opening post; there was absolutely no resentment, hate or change of feelings when we decided to separate. So I feel like; I've never had to get over someone that cared about me as much as I cared about them. It's like a different type of break up or something.
I'm just like speechless right now.
you know how in saw that dude locks those other dudes in the basement
Marie marie You live so far away from me Its so hard to be happy When you live in another country.
Call her and at least get you some before she leaves! Or get some closure or something!
does space mean don't contact for two weeks?
you don't always have to do the smart thing or the emotional thing. or the physical thing. just pick one and do it.
and there is a HUUUUGGGEEEE difference between boyfriend girlfriend (stupid human term) and being in someone's life.
I think you should call her and talk about it
I would give her a call...what have you got to lose? At least you can get some closure. I would just call to say congrats and goodbye, be strong and leave her with positive feelings. She might have known (or had a hint) she was leaving when you started seeing each other, and thus got some space from you so she wouldn't have to experience the emotional loss. Plus 7 years is a long time to just rebound into another relationship.
You might have to chalk this one up as a loss my friend, she's got the emotional baggage of ending a 7 yr. relationship plus she's moving to another continent....that's a lot to overcome. Stay in touch though... you never know. Hope you got a chance to bang her at least once though bro