If you want to do me a favor, read through the intro and tell me if you can see yourself reading about history again. Might as well use this.
Hi. Welcome back.
Some of you might remember my 1001 posts blog about Austria and Vienna
where the grammar was so bad that I soon decided to not bother anymore
and even Torte could not have saved that formatting.
Can you really blame me for being more interested in writing than in correcting
everything twice and more ?
Maybe. Maybe you thought "Oh English is not his first language" or
"Did not expect anything else out of Europe yolo" but I expect more.
This time I do it right.
As I already see myself failing horribly and in fear of another week of sudden wake-ups with dreadful realisation of tortured English language haunting my written spawn like LSD does Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, it shall be noted that from this moment forth all frequent errors that detract from clarity within the text are deliberate.
And to all of you who object to the idea of foreign dictate on national language, I haughtily proclaim
Come what come may,
Time and the hour runs through the roughest day
Time and the hour runs through the roughest day
From the feedback I received the only viable conclusion forces me to knowingly implement funs and puns into this historical events (as by definition: every event) and hope that you remain awake enough to remember some of it.
Who knows, maybe you will fly to Madrid one day and get lost somewhere in the casa de austria (not a actual house) and you can impress your future wife/husband with oh-so-important information about what happened to Austria when the rule of the Habsburg came to an end.
Or not. Yes, most likely this information will be most useless but for days to come where reminiscence is the only thing left and on your deathbed you will mumble "Operation Otto .... Schuschnigg .... Dollfuß ...." and while your voice slowly fades away the ghost of dictators past will help you climb to whatever completely retarded imaginative world you might wish to descend or rapture.
That last remark should have warmed some of you up because I can tell you we are going to talk - what is this nonsense - I am going to write about Austria during 1918 to 1938. For those of you who received some sort of education it should not come as a surprise when I announce that this roughly marks the time between the two world wars.
Although I already wrote about this period on my teamlitzer award winning aforementioned blog under the section "Part I.I HISTORICAL INTERLUDE - Political History, 1804 - 1945", it is exactly that. The political history.
I felt that there is much more to the story than just cold facts and so I went to a library (A house of de-virtualised books for haptic elderly people) and got myself a copy of Heinrich Dosedla's "Von Habsburg bis Hitler - From Habsburg to Hitler".
Now the book itself does not claim to cover everything that happened and "may" have a socialist "touch" to it - all the better for me. This is not going to be a unbiased report hoping to catch the entirety that was the Austrian population back then, I will try to cast a spotlight on the socialist movement during that time - of course with historically sound facts.
Whenever you will read about some opinions or rumours from that time, I believe in my capabilities to mark them as such.
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As I said, a lot of events are already covered in the other blog. I try to repeat as little as possible, but that also means that you should read "Part I.I" first
Lets get this party started
To be exact, the social democratic Austrian worker party.
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// am ende nochmal macbeth ? ?
I am afraid to think what I have done;
Look on't again I dare not.
passt doch zum aufbau
zur formatierung http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=336805
I am afraid to think what I have done;
Look on't again I dare not.
passt doch zum aufbau
zur formatierung http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=336805