Hi TL!
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a special inter-university competition that led to a very unique internship opportunity with Ubisoft. The objective of the competition was to assemble a team and develop a prototype of a game over a semester, using the Unreal Engine and following the theme of 'Corruption' (amongst other rules). Following that competition, the teams were merged to further develop the prototype that was deemed the best of the bunch. We were a team of 24 students, with a timetable of 34 days. From the many hours of overtime and dedication emerged Pixel Trouble!
Pixel Trouble is an adventure game set in the universe of another game, Super Adventure Land 3D, that has been corrupted by viruses. You control Stream McFluffy, a debugger who is set on cleaning the mess up. Armed with a Pixel Gun, you can create platforms of your own choosing to navigate where you want to go.
The game was designed mainly for a Windows Xbox 360 Controller for the PC. You can play with the keyboard, but the game is not localized for it (and it has some bugs with the menus).
Playtime: ~2.5 hours
Levels: 2 Worlds, 2 Bosses, 1 Tutorial
Saving: Automatic (although menus are messed up with the keyboard, so you won't be able to load your game with it...)
You can download the FULL VERSION here: http://static2.cdn.ubi.com/pixeltrouble/InstallPixelTrouble.zip
+ Show Spoiler [Known Bugs] +
-The game (usually) crashes when you enter the final portal, thus skipping the final cinematic and credits
-When the camera goes into a Corruption Zone, the post-process effect stays until the player actually enters the Corruption Zone and exits. This really messes up the visuals over areas where they were not intended to happen
-A big wall disappears when you clear one of the Corruption Zones in the first level
-Flyers can sometimes have a hard time tracking player in beginning of second level
-Second level allows player to move before the level has fully loaded, thus allowing a trigger to be skipped
-Keyboard messed up in menus
-Keyboard controls have no localization
-Sounds loop repeatedly on destructible piles in the tutorial
-Player can go out of world in weird places
-'X needs to be rebuilt' messages appear
-Tookio floats at the beginning of tutorial
-The game (usually) crashes when you enter the final portal, thus skipping the final cinematic and credits

-When the camera goes into a Corruption Zone, the post-process effect stays until the player actually enters the Corruption Zone and exits. This really messes up the visuals over areas where they were not intended to happen

-A big wall disappears when you clear one of the Corruption Zones in the first level
-Flyers can sometimes have a hard time tracking player in beginning of second level
-Second level allows player to move before the level has fully loaded, thus allowing a trigger to be skipped
-Keyboard messed up in menus
-Keyboard controls have no localization
-Sounds loop repeatedly on destructible piles in the tutorial
-Player can go out of world in weird places
-'X needs to be rebuilt' messages appear
-Tookio floats at the beginning of tutorial
I'll be getting a new PC soon, so one day I'll be able to fix some of these issues