I was watching Surviorman, he finds junk in the most remote of places.
I was driving home the other day from a friends house at 3:00am on a Wednesday, and I passed like 30 other cars driving around these back streets. Why? What are they doing?
For the heck of it, today I booted up WC3. Every game I went into was jam packed with people. Footie Wars, Angel Arena, Dota, Naruto RPG, Life as a Peon, Green TD, Anime Wars. Every single game I checked with was stock full of people.
And the other thing I noticed was that the people playing weren't 12 year old ragers who couldn't afford to buy any recent games. They were filled with genuine nice real people. I joined some game called Oblivion ORPG and I ended up talking to this 3rd year marketing student for like an hour. He was a super nice guy. He said that when he needed to unwind, that this game was the most calming thing for him.
Maybe this isn't so weird to you guys, but to me this just boggles my mind. Is it possible that at any given moment every single video game in existence is being played by somebody, somewhere? Are there people right now, as I'm typing this, playing Superman 64?
I remember back when I was in college some eight years ago. There was this one guy who left his door open and he had an N64 and Goldeneye running 24/7. And no matter what time of the day it was, no matter what time, there was always four people playing and at least one guy waiting to hop in. His room was just down the hall from mine, and I kid you not, I walked past his room at like 4 in the morning, and even though this guy was asleep, there were five other guys crowded around this small 14 inch tv playing complex with slappers.
This world is crazy man, a freaking beehive that never rests.