In just a few days, another school year will start for me. I'll be going to grade 12 of gymnasium, which means that this will probably(and hopefully) be my last year of secondary education. As I don't what I want to after finishing, I've decided that I'll take exams in Estonian, maths, physics, English and history. Those should give me the widest range of options among engineering and liberal arts. Estonian and English exams shouldn't go too bad. In maths I think I can do well if I put in the effort. Physics... now that's going to be tough as I don't know jack shit about it. My only chance is determination and hope that hard work pays off. History is just something I chose to fill the requirement of taking 5 exams. I don't expect to do too well in history as I don't enjoy cramming dates, years etc.
My biggest obstacle is going to be my mood swings. Sometimes I can feel really motivated, and believe that I can move mountains. Other times I just hit rock bottom and fall into weeks of depression. If I can somehow avoid the mood swings, then I think I can ace the exams.
As for what I'm going to be studying after finishing school, I'm thinking of either mechatronics engineering or something close to IT. If I decide that engineering isn't for me, then I may aim for philosophy, psychology or social sciences.
Besides higher education, there's the mandatory military service which I have to attend sometime after finishing school. As to not completely die when going there, I've decided that it would be a good idea to do some training before hand. My plan is to go running and do push-ups every day from now. I'f I can hold onto that promise, I hope to be able to run at least 30+ minutes without stopping and do 100 push ups in 1 go. If you have any suggestions for me, I'll be happy to hear them.
I haven't played much SC2 recently. The last time I played, I faced at least 5 diamond players, so there are signs of some improvement(!). Sadly, as I mentioned before, I haven't played much lately. That means my hopes for reaching diamond this season are gone. :[
Nevertheless, the lost play time was worth it: I finished Sleeping Dogs! That game is one of the best games I've played and one of the few which I've actually finished. The story was pretty good and I even started caring about the characters. A certain Mrs. Chu even started to scare me... Art style of the game is also fantastic, everything is so pretty. The neon lights, rain, soundtrack and voice acting all create a fantastic atmosphere. If there weren't any technical difficulties(mouse, random crashes), it would be the perfect game. I'm going to give this game 4/5.
What else have I done... Well I created a blog on wordpress, maybe it will improve my writing skills. I've also been trying my hand on creating music in Fruity Loops. So far I totally suck at it, but there has been some improvement over time. I can create a shitty melody now!
And last, but not least, the obligatory music:
Most of this is going to be from Sleeping Dogs
The last 2 minutes of the song are absolutely fantastic
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Some great chill music.
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Sick bass
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If you want more songs from SD, then search youtube for "QuikDJ", bunch of songs from the game, sadly not all.
Well that's it. C u around.