Hey guys, I attended my college orientation this past Friday and am already very excited about finally starting this quarter.
I feel like I'm on top of most things for now, but I do have a couple questions which I would love some help with.
1) How do I figure out my registration date? (Day I can enroll for courses) I made notes that say I should go to Tritonlink --> full schedule of classes, but am unsure from there.
2) How do I petition transfer classes for equivalents with their respective departments? My academic history is up to date, looks like full IGETC but my lower division requirements still appear red on my degree audit.
Thanks in advance for the help,
On August 14 2012 15:07 ProteiNSheikH wrote: Hey guys, I attended my college orientation this past Friday and am already very excited about finally starting this quarter.
I feel like I'm on top of most things for now, but I do have a couple questions which I would love some help with.
1) How do I figure out my registration date? (Day I can enroll for courses) I made notes that say I should go to Tritonlink --> full schedule of classes, but am unsure from there.
2) How do I petition transfer classes for equivalents with their respective departments? My academic history is up to date, looks like full IGETC but my lower division requirements still appear red on my degree audit.
Thanks in advance for the help,
Cheers! Hello sir. I'm entering as a freshman.
Log into your college website (revelle muir etc) and go to the counseling section. There you can get your date.
There is no counseling section on the Muir website :/ looked through the tabs, used their search and googled it. Also can't sign on on Muir site.
Hey, but I could be wrong :p haha
10387 Posts
1) log into Tritonlink, there'll be this section titled "Announcement & Deadlines". The left side of it will have a link for class enrollment times for new students
2) unsure, you should talk to a counselor about that.
GL HF, hope you enjoy walking a lot ;P hahahah
2nd Worst City in CA8938 Posts
2) It's done automatically. If there is a problem with your degree audit then you must e-mail your advisor and let them know. They'll fix it for you. If it's a major requirement, then e-mail your major advisor. If it's a GE, then e-mail your college advisor.
Welcome to UCSD! I transferred as well and will be graduating next year (Spring '13). Let me tell you now that UCSD is the best academic experience I have ever had in my life. Take advantage of everything the university has to offer, especially RIMAC. That gym is awesome. Also check into stuff like study abroad and internships (what's your major?)
Let me know if you have any other questions. :D
How are there so many UCSD students here that I've never heard of before?! Or do you guys just go by different IDs on bnet?
On August 14 2012 16:53 Jombozeus wrote: How are there so many UCSD students here that I've never heard of before?! Or do you guys just go by different IDs on bnet? Haha, same.
Also, revelle must have had it set up different then...
im in the ucsd channel a decent amount at night. no one really talks in there though, me included.
On August 15 2012 02:41 Diglett wrote: im in the ucsd channel a decent amount at night. no one really talks in there though, me included. Nobody does. Skype chat is where the conversation (probably too much of it) happens.
On August 14 2012 16:08 Souma wrote: 2) It's done automatically. If there is a problem with your degree audit then you must e-mail your advisor and let them know. They'll fix it for you. If it's a major requirement, then e-mail your major advisor. If it's a GE, then e-mail your college advisor.
Welcome to UCSD! I transferred as well and will be graduating next year (Spring '13). Let me tell you now that UCSD is the best academic experience I have ever had in my life. Take advantage of everything the university has to offer, especially RIMAC. That gym is awesome. Also check into stuff like study abroad and internships (what's your major?)
Let me know if you have any other questions. :D it's Souma! Hi Souma :D
to add on to this, while classes should be updated automatically, you should still keep an eye on it. Sometimes they misplace the papers or some other bad excuse and don't update. Shoot them an email if it still hasn't been updated in another couple weeks. Actually, it's been a few months and I still haven't gotten credit for one of my technical electives >_>
and yes, study abroad if you can. ucsd has so many opportunities for that. I regret not wanting to do so until it was too late =/
Thanks ArvickHero, I got my date and time. Scheduled for the end of August. What I find strange though, on my recommended courses page I have 2 lower division requirements for my major, all classes with those codes are already full AND have 8+ people wait-listed. How am I ever supposed to get those and why are people already able to register?
The reason is that all current students have already registered for all our classes awhile ago. Lower div classes tend to fill up much faster than upper div, though it depends on the class and major. You shouldn't worry about it too much because they will most likely open more spots as school approaches; I believe incoming freshmen have yet to register as well, and most of you will feel like you are being completely screwed over, and to an extent you are lol. Well, you should be fine in the long run either way since it pretty much happens to everyone at one point or another (being unable to get into a needed course, that is).
They actually just changed the registration system to, theoretically, alleviate this situation that happens every single quarter since registration times correlate directly to number of units (with incoming students being the exception of last). Oh also, waitlists may not be as bad as you think. If you are like within 10-15% of the max capacity (say, 300 person class and waitlist of 30-45), you have a good chance to get in cause lots of people drop.
2nd Worst City in CA8938 Posts
Kaze, it's not too late for you to study abroad! You can postpone your graduation and study abroad next year for a year if you want (my friend did it). Think of it as a year off before you start working/going to grad./whatever you decide to do.