![[image loading]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-URnC0TEKFCw/UB4HclT00vI/AAAAAAAAK-s/MRl9gTigAS4/s800/IMG_7011.JPG)
So I took this last night and couldn't help but think of the good ol' mothership. I think it was a double strike fairly close together and it definitely got over exposed. It's really the only one where I've had that problem.
For those who are interested, this was taken with my old Canon Powershot SD800 IS. I set it up to do continuous 10 second exposures at ISO 200 (80 is what I'm typically going with, though) with focus set to infinity. I'm still playing around with settings, but its doing alright for a point and shoot. My two biggest complaints are 1) Lack of exposure control and 2) long processing time between shots (probably 5 seconds to process a 10 second exposure). Now a days, there's a lot of "pro" point and shoots that give you most of the control you'd expect from and SLR so maybe its time for an upgrade.
Here's a couple of others that I was happy with from this weekend: + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler +
BTW, if anyone has a tips on lightning photography, I'm all ears. It's monsoon season here in New Mexico so I should have some more opportunities. 
Wow mate, some really excellent pictures there!
Amazingly breathtaking
Holy cowburgers those are really good :O
Wow, GREAT pictures
Wow, those images are great, especially the first one!
I rarely have the motivation to go out at night to shoot lightning so I'm no expert on this, but when I do I use 1:16-1:48, iso 100, 3.2sec x 42 shots and aperture value 4.0 with my canon 550D.
WOW those are fucking incredible, especially the first one.
Lightning photos are so cool ^^
Lol that first picture, it's like the whole city is gonna get blown up. Amazing photo.
Mothership has arrived, hopefully that lightning does more damage than the mama ship though..
lol I saw the picture and immediately thought it was a JangBi appreciation thread. :D
Great photography though!
send em in to national geo website and if it gets voted up you can be in a mag. nothin to lose. they are pretty decent shots
imo its not over exposed, i like how "massive" the lightnings look. its matching the picture very well. the skinny lightnings can look nice too, but not when you catch a triple.
and all sc2-ppl might say, a MS is massive, so the lightis hve to be massive too ^^
tips: - try different exposure-times (like 1 to 10sec), the shorter timings arent easy to catch but can look nice - maybe higher ISO to reduce overexposure while maintaining long timer - maybe less sky (i know hard to do, because you cant tell the lighnings where to hit ^^)
Are you sure there wasn't just a templar drop over in that section of the city? Like, 4 templar with full storms....
Great shots.
these shots are amazing, I love these shots of "forces of nature"