ZerO There will be much talk about Jangbi and his heroic Protoss victory, his perseverance and timing, his fortune and ascension to the finals. I am not going to talk much of that here.
This is a eulogy to ZerO's BW career. Every player in the OSL feels that these are the last games of professional, true BW they will get to play. The tension and emotions have never been greater. These last games are the games that they will remember and that fans will remember when they think on professional BW's final moments.
Perhaps you've never experienced it before, but in such a situation your fingers spasm with trepidation. Your heart races and your vision grows narrow. You're fast and more intense, but you're in a tunnel where nothing else exists but this game and your emotions for it. I saw ZerO's eyes twitch and close tightly many times. Whether it was from practicing too long and straining his eyes, or it was from the pain of not blinking on something you are intensely focused on, I don't know. But I know these games were important to him.
I've been a ZerO fan for a very long time. Since he first started appearing on TV with sketchy ZvZ, there was something very interesting about him. To me, it felt like watching Nada. It must seem like a Terran bonjwa and a barely average winrate Zerg have so little in common, but it's the way I feel. They are players known for being fantastically fast, for persevering and playing hard games and not giving up easily. If ZerO's early game had been a little more stable, he could have been a legend as much as any other big name. You know what I mean if you ever saw ZerO in any 30 minute or longer game. You know what I mean if you watched ZerO incorporate queens in ZvZ, and bizarre proxy hatch strategy wins. He was an incredible player.
I wrote most of the the above just after seeing those games of Jangbi vs ZerO. I wasn't sure I wanted to post this because I don't know how I can possibly do justice to who ZerO is, but reading his recent interview I feel so bad. He reminds me so much of Nada again.
I said that I have to practice for the OSL, and the team didn't even let me play in the SPL
He was a player working for the OSL when he played those games. He must have been so nervous. There is an unfathomable pressure in the heart of a player who knows that he has sacrificed the good of his team in proleague to individual league glory. Only if you win can you say 'it was the right thing.' Maybe these are the thoughts that were going through ZerO's head after game 4. "If I lose this I will embarrass my team." Especially with Jangbi proclaiming lightly that he is playing for fun, and practicing SC2 concurrently (who knows how much of that is mind games). Protoss hero or not, ZerO was humiliated. He was meant to win that series, played so well, but in the end his nerves caused critical mistakes. He saw victory with tunnel vision and couldn't stop Jangbi's tactics. I like Jangbi as a player, I don't blame him, and I know he'll practice hard for the finals, but I wanted ZerO to win because like I've said from the beginning, ZerO wanted this more and Jangbi was looking like he wasn't as concerned. The interviews reflect what I thought. Seeing Zerlings and an overlord just a hop away from those dark templar was such a heart breaking way to lose in ZerO's strongest suit, the management lategame.
I guess this is good-bye to the ZerO I loved from BW. Who will I say good-bye to tomorrow?
I don't watch much BW, but I was really hoping he would win T_T i still remember ZerO vs Stork
When ZerO went toe to toe with in prime Flash's lategame management on Benzene, it was one of the most validating games I ever saw for ZerO's ability as a player.
On July 17 2012 00:01 Chef wrote: When ZerO went toe to toe with in prime Flash's lategame management on Benzene, it was one of the most validating games I ever saw for ZerO's ability as a player. Great zerg player. But he is not the only one, thats the competition for you, when there is a winner there is a loser. Midas/Iris/Yellow etc. They are not forgotten.
Yay Chef you wrote this after all =3 It was really sad how Zero lost too, he could have easily won in Game 4 and 5 if he just played standard and used typical zerg timing / strategy from the position that he was in.
Netherlands4692 Posts
Fantasy, hopefully. Fantasy vs Jangbi might just be a more exciting finals than Flash vs Jangbi, but the idea that Fantasy has a chance to win the last gold just aint right. Edit: as always 5/5 for BW blogs <3
On July 16 2012 23:54 Chef wrote:Who will I say good-bye to tomorrow?
Well, Flash of course 
Well written blog! Though I was cheering for Jangbi, it was really hard to see Zero fall apart like this...
It's sad for zero that he lost a series he was soooo so close to winning. After his incredibly consistent career (perhaps his consistency is what reminded you of Nada?) he really deserved a shot at an OSL gold. If there was a next season, he would be a favorite to make it to the finals.
However, I believe seeing Jangbi defend his title in a 5-game series against Flash would be the ultimate way to close out BW individual leagues. At the same time, though, that scenario would just leave me and the rest of us fans eternally blueballed, for lack of a better word, over matters that are completely out of our hands.
perhaps his consistency is what reminded you of Nada? I never really thought about it till today, but since Nada is another word for Zero in English, there may be something to that too... LOL not really but it only adds to it I suppose.
It was so good games, probably the best games in a while... even though i hoped for Zero i am still happy with the outcome
I thought for sure Zero would beat Jangbi, but that Fantasy would beat Zero in the finals... I still have no clue who is going to win now since Jangbi looks in good shape.
really sad to see him lose, but there has to be a loser ;/
I was cheering for Jangbi, but felt really sorry for Zero as he lost the last game. It must be so tough to lose by not playing up to your potential in one of the most important games of your career.
That said, Jangbi has been through this before as well --- his nerves played a big role in his loss to Luxury in the MSL (misplaced Forge), and he had to reinvent himself as a player before he could win a league. Jangbi managed to grow stronger from his defeat, and I just hope that Zero will do the same, even if it can't be in BW.
Woongjin is well-placed to take this season's PL, and Zero will have plenty of important matches in the playoffs.
So dramatic... so heart wrenching even as someone casually rooting for JangBi...
(brief and well written too)
(going to have to look through his vods...)
On July 17 2012 01:30 Chef wrote:I never really thought about it till today, but since Nada is another word for Zero in English, there may be something to that too... LOL not really but it only adds to it I suppose.
I love Zero's play. As a zerg player it always seemed to me like zerg had less potential for large variations in strategy (certainly in comparison to Terran). However, Zero always seemed to be on the cutting edge, trying to find the next thing. He perhaps didnt have the stable solid play of Jaedong or the some of the other greats, but his inventiveness always made him one of my favorite players to watch. It is a bit unfortunate that for all this inventiveness he was unable to trigger a revolution that would become a new standard.
It is truly sad that we will never get to see the era of the WJ zergs, which I was certain was on its way. D:
Edit: Also Jangbi sounds like a dick...whether his comments about practicing are true or not. I would hope that an OSL winner would give a little more respectful sounding interview.
On July 17 2012 04:02 sheaRZerg wrote: Edit: Also Jangbi sounds like a dick...whether his comments about practicing are true or not. I would hope that an OSL winner would give a little more respectful sounding interview. I'm guessing you didn't read the interview. He said it was really tough to practice both BW and SC2 at once and it was causing him to lose games. He also said he plays worse when he feels pressured, so he will try to enjoy the finals and have fun. He actually apologized to Zero for winning and thanked him for playing amazing games.
Sorry to take the thread off-topic, but I thought that needed to be cleared up...
+ Show Spoiler [interview translated by doothegee] + Q: It was a tough match. Thoughts? A: It was just as tough as the last OSL final but I also got lucky. In Game 4, I really shouldn't have been able to win that (laughs). I attacked with the intention of just focusing on one instant, and I believe I won because of that. I knew that there was no question I would win Game 5.
Q: Why did you choke up after the game? A: I was happy because I won, sure, but the fans' cheers made me tear up. I won way too dramatically. Just as much as the last finals.
Q: When did you sense victory in Game 5? A: Spectators may have thought that Zerg was ahead in the game, but as soon as I got my unit composition, I tried to end it. But because Zero made so many sunkens, I changed my strategy to try and drag it out. I eventually scored some points with HT and DT drops, and as soon as my deathball was finished, I could taste victory.
Q: Did you not know about the 7 o' clock expansion? A: I didn't see it myself, but I was anticipating it. I first tried to break through Zero's critical areas but because his defense was so solid, I tried to match his expansions and his overall game plan. When the Hydralisks were pounding on my cannons early on, it was a dangerous situation.
Q: Any pressure that you are the last Protoss? A: Before, there would have been pressure. But now I feel much more mature. Now that I am receiving more attention, I can enjoy it more. I believe these things allow me to grow more.
Q: How did you prepare for the semi-finals? A: There was nothing too difficult. I played mindgames in the first three sets. Because I tried to make my opponent think, Zero must have had a big headache playing.
Q: You lost Games 2 and 3 after winning the first. A: I was so mad at myself for losing Game 3. I knew what he was going to do but I couldn't defend it. After the game was over, I sat in the booth to regain composure.
Q: It's the last OSL played in BW, and you're in the final. A: I think there's a bigger responsibility. No matter whoever reaches the final, there will be great games. I don't perform to the best of my ability when I'm under pressure, so I'm planning to enjoy it.
Q: Honestly, who would you prefer to play? A: It doesn't matter. Flash and Fantasy are both top Terrans. Because I beat Fantasy last season, it wouldn't be bad to face Flash either. Because Flash has been so good consistently, my victory would shine more if I beat him.
Q: Kim Carrier asked you to use Carriers in the final. A: Honestly, before, there were maps where Carriers are viable. But now, because the maps have so much open ground, it's tough. I want to use them too. If I prepare for them, I guess I might try. Because Kim Carrier is asking, I'm thinking that I should use them at least once (laughs). Last OSL final, I used them in the first and last set to great effect.
Q: How are you planning to prepare for the final? A: I don't have much time. I was practicing BW and played SC2, and I lost all my games (laughs). My team's place is on the line too, and I need to practice SC2 for my own future as well, so there isn't much leeway.
Q: It's the final tournament played in Brood War. A: I'm really sad. It's like your girlfriend leaving you. I'm devastated to think that a game that I've loved so much is leaving me. Even if the tournaments fully switch to SC2 in the future, I'm planning to play Brood War at PC Bangs. Brood War was the best game. Playing SC2, I realize how difficult Brood War really was.
Q: What does reaching the final mean for you? A: It would be great to win, but it's a big honor just to reach the final. I want to win and relish the glory.
Q: What does OSL mean to you? A: To be honest, I worried a lot after the last OSL. "What if OSL ends like this?" OSL was what made me dream as a progamer. When I was little, I went and watched the quarterfinals of MyCube OSL in Pusan and also watched the semi-finals held in Sajik Stadium. OSL helped me grow my dreams.
Q: Final words? A: First, thanks to Roro, Shine, Juni, Odin, all the other coaches and Coach January. It's the last OSL played in BW, and if a lot of fans show up to support me, I know I can win with just as much excitement as the final for JinAir OSL. Sincere thanks to all the fans that showed up today. Also, I'm sorry that I won, but I also want to thank Zero who helped create such amazing games today.
Nice write-up. I really agree with a lot of what you said. I've been a fan ever since his game against Kal on Holy World. When he looked good, he looked sooo good. I always thought he'd be a multiple title winner, but there were times when it was just depressing to be his fan as well.
Thanks for the memories, Zero.
On July 17 2012 04:25 Djabanete wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2012 04:02 sheaRZerg wrote: Edit: Also Jangbi sounds like a dick...whether his comments about practicing are true or not. I would hope that an OSL winner would give a little more respectful sounding interview. I'm guessing you didn't read the interview. He said it was really tough to practice both BW and SC2 at once and it was causing him to lose games. He also said he plays worse when he feels pressured, so he will try to enjoy the finals and have fun. He actually apologized to Zero for winning and thanked him for playing amazing games. Sorry to take the thread off-topic, but I thought that needed to be cleared up... + Show Spoiler [interview translated by doothegee] + Q: It was a tough match. Thoughts? A: It was just as tough as the last OSL final but I also got lucky. In Game 4, I really shouldn't have been able to win that (laughs). I attacked with the intention of just focusing on one instant, and I believe I won because of that. I knew that there was no question I would win Game 5.
Q: Why did you choke up after the game? A: I was happy because I won, sure, but the fans' cheers made me tear up. I won way too dramatically. Just as much as the last finals.
Q: When did you sense victory in Game 5? A: Spectators may have thought that Zerg was ahead in the game, but as soon as I got my unit composition, I tried to end it. But because Zero made so many sunkens, I changed my strategy to try and drag it out. I eventually scored some points with HT and DT drops, and as soon as my deathball was finished, I could taste victory.
Q: Did you not know about the 7 o' clock expansion? A: I didn't see it myself, but I was anticipating it. I first tried to break through Zero's critical areas but because his defense was so solid, I tried to match his expansions and his overall game plan. When the Hydralisks were pounding on my cannons early on, it was a dangerous situation.
Q: Any pressure that you are the last Protoss? A: Before, there would have been pressure. But now I feel much more mature. Now that I am receiving more attention, I can enjoy it more. I believe these things allow me to grow more.
Q: How did you prepare for the semi-finals? A: There was nothing too difficult. I played mindgames in the first three sets. Because I tried to make my opponent think, Zero must have had a big headache playing.
Q: You lost Games 2 and 3 after winning the first. A: I was so mad at myself for losing Game 3. I knew what he was going to do but I couldn't defend it. After the game was over, I sat in the booth to regain composure.
Q: It's the last OSL played in BW, and you're in the final. A: I think there's a bigger responsibility. No matter whoever reaches the final, there will be great games. I don't perform to the best of my ability when I'm under pressure, so I'm planning to enjoy it.
Q: Honestly, who would you prefer to play? A: It doesn't matter. Flash and Fantasy are both top Terrans. Because I beat Fantasy last season, it wouldn't be bad to face Flash either. Because Flash has been so good consistently, my victory would shine more if I beat him.
Q: Kim Carrier asked you to use Carriers in the final. A: Honestly, before, there were maps where Carriers are viable. But now, because the maps have so much open ground, it's tough. I want to use them too. If I prepare for them, I guess I might try. Because Kim Carrier is asking, I'm thinking that I should use them at least once (laughs). Last OSL final, I used them in the first and last set to great effect.
Q: How are you planning to prepare for the final? A: I don't have much time. I was practicing BW and played SC2, and I lost all my games (laughs). My team's place is on the line too, and I need to practice SC2 for my own future as well, so there isn't much leeway.
Q: It's the final tournament played in Brood War. A: I'm really sad. It's like your girlfriend leaving you. I'm devastated to think that a game that I've loved so much is leaving me. Even if the tournaments fully switch to SC2 in the future, I'm planning to play Brood War at PC Bangs. Brood War was the best game. Playing SC2, I realize how difficult Brood War really was.
Q: What does reaching the final mean for you? A: It would be great to win, but it's a big honor just to reach the final. I want to win and relish the glory.
Q: What does OSL mean to you? A: To be honest, I worried a lot after the last OSL. "What if OSL ends like this?" OSL was what made me dream as a progamer. When I was little, I went and watched the quarterfinals of MyCube OSL in Pusan and also watched the semi-finals held in Sajik Stadium. OSL helped me grow my dreams.
Q: Final words? A: First, thanks to Roro, Shine, Juni, Odin, all the other coaches and Coach January. It's the last OSL played in BW, and if a lot of fans show up to support me, I know I can win with just as much excitement as the final for JinAir OSL. Sincere thanks to all the fans that showed up today. Also, I'm sorry that I won, but I also want to thank Zero who helped create such amazing games today.
You are right...Isn't the first thing i've said something stupid about interpretations of an interview I didn't read. I'm mad at the situation and to a lesser extent the teams if they aren't letting them practice soley for the OSL. (and perhaps more importantly I wanted to see Zero win so badly and am still upset).
Actually, reading the interview put a smile on my face when he talks about continuing to play bw in PC Bangs. <3
My bad.