So I took a break from SC2 for almost a year now and my interest is starting to spark up again, but I'm kind of scared to get back into playing the game.
I have absolutely no idea about the current state of the game and wonder if maybe I should wait until HotS is released and have a fresh start there.
I was a mid diamond Zerg in Season 1 and a top platinum Random in Season 2. That's when I stopped playing.
I'd like to play Zerg (or maybe Protoss, as it was my first race) again.
I've played a few matches against the CPU and my build orders were really wonky and are probably really outdated. I was never a really fast player hovering around 60-70 average APM with ~120 in fights, but I feel even slower and uncomfortable playing the game again and that kind of put a first dent into my motivation to work my way back in.
So any advice where to start and what to check out to get back into the game? Anything really important happened that I've missed the over the last year?