Hi guys, I got a lot of family stuff to take care of within the next week or so.
And I'm punching this blog in from my windows phone ATM, so I do apologize for any errors or deviant text on your computer monitors...
Um basically I haven't laddered for the past 72 hours, and I plan on spending the next week doing lots of driving all over the American Midwest, visiting family and such.
So, I'm pretty sure my bonus pool will be measurably close to 100 by the time I actually settle down and get my laptop comfortable at its desk in my hometown. My biggest concern is how my mechanics may suffer, will I get demoted, etc. On NA, I'm diamond. On KR/TW, I'm platinum.
Also, for those of you who like to watch my Chinese casts, I will do my best to keep up accordingly, but the internet connection I have in my hometown is far too poor for live streaming. I can resume my stream in August.
Not noticeably. In BW lots of non-pro players felt like they played better after a break.
If you know your rank on NA and on KR, does that mean you bought your game twice?? That is expensive man...
I usually play better after a week's break. Gives your brain time to refresh.
I play about 10 1v1 games a season and I'm still diamond so I think you'll be okay.
ur fine. i havent played in two weeks last season and still managed to pull off a win streaks
first world problems in this blog. really wtf?
United States10034 Posts
I didn't play BW for 5 months once. Came back, pretty bad for the first 2 games, then everything became right after that.
You'll be fine. Mechanics are mostly muscle memory. It's like riding a bike.
TLADT24920 Posts
As mentioned, a week isn't long enough to get demoted. Once you play a couple of games, you'll be back to how things were prior to go on your trip.