Last time we discovered the light.
The second central element is the chains.
It was from the begining of the project, the vision that haunted our mind. When The first chain prototype was done, it was clear how fun it was just to pull a chain around, seeing how it takes the cornes realisticaly, how it stops the player when you reach is max tension.
Here are two levels with different use of the chain. The first one, the chain is like a tail to the light eater, chasing the torch attach. Animal cruelty. Extra points for us.
You pull him, very basic.
The second level is even more basic in the use of chains. The ironballs are hard to push, easy to pull.
Having a chain attached allows you to make more precise moves in a hurry.
Chains also offer the options to be interconnected but this requires an item between them. This is a game design decision. Puzzles are more interesting if the number of possible combination doesn't rise to much.
Chain connects to anchor points, torches, ironballs, light eaters and traps.
Traps allow to connect a chain to Skeletons, Ghosts and Blind Guardian.
The deadline is tuesday, so obviously no gameplay changes will be made.
The rest of the time will be used to polish and sort the 36 levels we have now.
12 easy/tutorial
12 normal levels (Usually requires to solve one thing, or two simples things)
12 normal/hard levels (Multiple parts, interlocked stuff. Link chains, open doors in the right order.. more monsters, bigger maps...)
Still having a very bad flue... So back to map editing