In my last blog I talked about myself, who I am as a player and what not so I won't go too far into that. So from this blog on thee blogs will be shorter, much more to the point and will just be an update of where I am at.
After laddering a bit as Terran, I started having thoughts about how well I did with Protoss and where I might be if I had stuck with Protoss. Then I thought the same about Zerg and realized, I like all the races and I shouldn't have to limit myself or make a decision one way or another until I've reached a level that I can't improve anymore without picking a race. Being only Master league in NA, I think I can still improve as a player in general rather than at a specific race.
So I am switching my normal ladder routine with Terran to play Random, and I will be sticking to one build per match up (obv with slight variations on different maps). I'll continue to ladder as Random until I plateau for a good while and by then from playing all the races I should have a good idea of which race I am strongest with and which play style best fits my skill set.
I did get my stream working, it runs fairly well at 720p and I coughed up the $15 to use xsplit for 3 months to see how things go. I have a couple sessions recorded from the weekend of me laddering as random on my high account (high as in I play while I'm high, ID is CaptCannabis if we ever meet on ladder we can have a fun game :D).
Current Strongest Race:
Current Strong Match-ups:
Current Weak Match-ups:
Current Goal:
Grand Masters by end of season 8.
I'm not sure if self-promotion is allowed but my twitch link is (if it's not ill remove it). If you guys want to play some games or have any suggestions or questions you can reach me via PM, or in-game Smob.497. I used to offer coaching and have been toying with the idea again but I want to focus on playing.
PS: I wanted to say something about all the drama here on TL lately, especially yesterday...
Remember we play games to have fun and occupy our time. While I think hacking is a terrible thing, the entire community doesn't need to freak out about a mediocre player map hacking. I think as a community we need to focus on the positive things going on like HotS coming out or the great games that have been happening in the GSTL! :D
Thanks for reading~