I've watched this game from afar for years now. I've lurked on TL for an almost equal amount of time. I've never tried to be good at SCII. I always felt I was too old for the young mans game. Recently, as the action in SCII tournaments becomes increasingly better, I've found the urge to play this game and try to be good at it. I am able to commit a reasonable amount of time to this effort and decided, what the hell, let's see how good I can be.
This game is tough....
I have a long gaming history dating back to Pong and Atari 2600's. None of that has prepared me for learning the keyboard and mouse and the way they are used to interact with this game. My hands feel sooooo slow. This is partially due to me not knowing what my hands are supposed to be doing even if I have a free second. I'm also slowed by my hands themselves I feel. I hope that with practice and repetition my hands loosen up and flow more freely. I don't ever expect to be DRG fast with my hands but I have set a goal of becoming a Master level Terran with a macro style.
I started my journey this week and have moved up to top 8 silver being matched against mostly gold players. The level of skill in this part of the ladder varies widely I've noticed. Some games are cake walks against gold players and other games I get my face caved in by a Silver player. Then there are the games I cost myself by missing SCV's, forgetting/not following my BO, or just outright bad decision making. These hurt . I use a 1 Rax FE into 3 Rax adding a reactored Starport and picking up +1 and stim along the way. It seems good against most things. The only time I have trouble that I couldn't have avoided by playing better is when a Protoss 4 gates or a Zerg Baneling busts me. I have to get better at scouting these and somehow figure out how I can hold them with my BO. It may just be a situation where my BO is a loss against those however. It's way to early for me to make a judgement like that though.
I'm going to update my progress regularly. If you see this old man on the ladder, remember to be respectfull, it's how you're supposed to treat old people
maybe you left it out on purpose, if so sorry, but exactly how old are you?
Best of luck. I am 25, practice with a variety of ages and can confidently say that SC is dependent on dedication and intelligence, not age.
See you in your -Made it to Gold- blog. It only gets harder from here but the rewarding feeling increases with it.
I was being tongue and cheek about my age mostly. Major error leaving that out lol. I'm 36. Not exactly geriatric but a dinosaur in gamer terms imo.
Have you ever played any musical instruments? Thinking of sequences of key presses like that may help you be more conscious of practicing your dexterity in an intentional way. glhf
United States235 Posts
tbh, when I saw your thread title - first thing that popped up in my head was Old Man of the Mountain and Assassin's Creed. I'm sorely disappointed to find its only a ladder blog, i was expecting an epic ballad about some assassinations and what not.
but, anyway, gl with your journey and hopefully you get your shiny masters' icon soon
Title reminded me of The Old Man and the Sea, which might be a good comparison. + Show Spoiler +Old fisher goes out to sea and catches a huge swordfish much too big for him, battles with it for days before finally catching it. However his boat is too small and he has to tow the swordfish back home, and on the way sharks attack the swordfish corpse. The old man manages to kill quite a few sharks but in the end the sharks eat the swordfish and the old man returns home with nothing.
gl hf though