All things end. Cars, lives, bags of popcorn, even esports. Long after the last game of brood war is played on OGN (IN 2149) there will still be those that love and play bw. The same is true for SC2. Long after LotV is balanced and left as 'finished', there will be those that still play it.
We can agree, I hope neither game ever crashes tumultuously. That would be sad. Brotip: Having a popup button right when you enter your website is only acceptable if you want people to think of porn or free ipad popups. 2nd Brotip: Don't use TL to advertise your website pls.
I don't use TL to brand my website, I use TL to help my E-Sports company out by posting info about tournaments and writing blogs when bored.
Blizzard is using the same marketting as Call of Duty with the plans for HoTS and LoTV so insanely fast from the first release.
However, Starcraft will stay alive, the viewer count stays the same even when the player base shrinks. The skill and competition is extremely high and people just love to be involved in something like this.
And now, I will unfortunately myself sound like a Starcraft elitist bigot, I don't think LoL has the same entertainment value. My friends who play LoL are getting bored of it, and LoL viewers are LoL players, meaning that the viewer base will not grow outside of the game. The strategy behind LoL is boring and invisible, whereas Starcraft even the lowest level player can appreciate the moves being displayed on the screens.
Then, my 2 BIGGEST points against League, I read somewhere in a Pro article (I think SK? IDK) That farming is almost always better than getting kills, unless you constantly get kills every 90 seconds you will earn more money farming. And also that many Pros don't actually know what is happening during a teamfight. How can a caster cast something that not even the players know what they are doing? How can the spectator understand what is going on? Its a big glowing and shiny clusterfuck.
I have also virtually have written volumes about how stupid farming is in LoL compared to other MOBAs. How the power of towers ruin the game, and the HUGE lack of strategic depth and entertainment value borne from these issues.
So no, LoL will not stand the test of time, except for its rather monolithic player base keeping the sails full of wind.
Starcraft has something going for it that no other multiplayer title out there has.
A competitive 1v1 scene. That just does not exist anywhere else.
There's a certain draw that team games like LoL have both for the casual gamer and observer but SC2 thrives on the 1v1 pure competition aspect that no other game that's played online has really had the ability to capture.
In the end, I can see the two co-existing. LoL is a fun accessible, competitive teamwork oriented game. SC2 is a highly competitive, one vs one, test of mental strength, dexterity and endurance and it's also a hell of a lot of fun to watch. They can co-exist together and will be the face of E-sports for a long time to come.
Also one more thing to point out.
LoL is going to have its stiffest competition coming in the form of DoTA 2 and potentially Blizzard All-Stars whereas SC2 still has the RTS market completely cornered and probably will for a long time in the future barring some incredible new game none of us see coming.
Can LoL survive when its genre's fans are split into different camps? Can those camps co-exist? I stand by my previous statement that the two genres RTS and MoBA can co-exist, but will LoL remain king? That remains to be seen.
Can blizzard possibly turn things around with HOTS? I don't see what they could implement that would drastically help. All this talk about LoL surpassing SC2 is pretty depressing. Why couldn't have blizzard been more supportive at the start. Really, this and the recent drama that has surfaced from "Spades Gate" is very troubling. Makes you wonder who would even start a thread like that accusing Spades of cheating out of the blue. Accusing Spades of this with a 1 post account, knowing it would create a viral storm is in itself a bit fishy. I wonder who it was. Cancer eats you from the inside out. Threads such as those do. If SC2 dies it'll be from cancer, not cause it got replaced.
I've played both extensively, and LoL shines with more bm and stupidity from the average player, plus constant balance shifts.
In ranked it comes down to pick the strongest champion of the moment, and then get the team to do something useful. People will start arguing over the most little mistakes once it looks bad for their team, picking off single players they can shit on, instead of ever trying to give some useful direction.
Obviously you should play LoL with friends you trust and can communicate with, since playing solo will just make you quit. This was regarding the player base.
What irritates me after is the balance. I went through a crapload of balance changes, I've been a player for so long that I've got a free corki + ufo skin from riot, so you have an idea of the OP champions I experienced.
First blood shaco, Udyr before rework, Xin Zhao, Rammus, Corki etc. etc.
The high frequency of new champions screws with the balance, but it's the only way to let players get rid of their points.
In the end, I switched to starcraft cause I got frustrated to get limited by my team when I was playing well, and of the amount of bm I got when I wasn't. When I lose in 1 v 1, I know it's cause of my mistakes.
Moba games in general, looking at solo mode, attract players that don't like to hold themselves responsible for a loss, but tend to give themselves credit for a win, when they actually just are one of five. Building a good team also involves gettig rid of players with such tendencies.
To the success of the two: LoL is pretty easy to learn, for starcraft you already need time commitment and patience to watch streams, replays, look up builds. That also might apply to LoL for strats, but that requires you to have a full team to use them.
That way, LoL is more attractive for casuals and people who fear feedback on their actions. Sc2 is better for people who prefer more complex games and are able to take a loss without tilting. If LoL is more successful than starcraft by numbers, it's cause the playerbase mainly consists of weakly competitive casuals. Imo sc2 is still superior.
This is a terrible blog. 15 post user already blogging advertisements to his e-sports website. What do you take us for? This reads like some awful msn article trying to sell me avocado moisturizer.
Thank you everyone for giving your opinion, I will be writing a quick 1-2 minute read every Wednesday that can be debated
If anything, LoL is the game that's going to crash. It doesn't have two expansions artificially expanding it's lifetime. Blizzard made a fine decision to split SC2 into 3 games.
No, LoL will crush SC2 and pulverize it's bones and cause Heart of the Swarm into melt into Messy Pile of Goo of the Swarm, then slap DOTA2 in the face with a freshly-caught salmon.