If you think of this film as 'Carry On, Prometheus', you might get some enjoyment out of it.
OK. Apparently someone on IMDB had acces to Weyland's computer and found this little .doc lying around. I wonder what it could all mean?
+ Show Spoiler + MY PLAN FOR IMMORTALITY - BY WEYLAND ====================================
- Spend $trillion on a trip to an unknown moon, on a hunch from a naive hippy couple who believe things because they choose to - Recruit a bunch of absolutely stupid tools from various disciplines who think and act irrationally - Get some crew members with adolescent angst on board (incl. an android and my own daughter) - Pretend to be dead to the crew, but reveal myself later (problem - won't they think I'm a dousche? Cross that bridge when I get to it) - Let the "scientists" fumble about a bit first and see what they rustle up - Even if lots of people die, become infected and raped by aliens, don't worry, keep believing that "they created human life, so they must be able to save us too" (Wait - if that's the case, what about asking a few milfs to save my life? They've created human life too... does what I said even make any sense? Have I taken my pills? Ah whatever, the $1t trip to a moon will be fun) - Anyway - get to the Alien chamber whatever the risk, and ask an android to try and ask an alien creature for some "answers" so that I might cure the aging problem somehow.
Contains spoilers, obviously.
Weyland sure knows how to select crew for this top secret mission, the mission which could turn out to be the most important mission of all time.
So who does he choose? An aggressive, anti-social punk, who became a geologist, apparently in order to make money, and despite this scientific background, has absolutly zero interest in discovering the Origin of Mankind. I don't think this guy will be any trouble. Do you?
I haven't seen the movie yet, but brilliant review. (It could use some editing, but the points are sound and I had quite a few chuckles!) I guess it'll be just as corny as Avatar. I'll still be seeing it, but thanks for letting me know to lower my expectations.
I laughed so hard at this one liner review title on Rottentomatoes
"In space, no one can hear your disappointment"
Seriously though I'm not surprised at all, I mean the last blockbuster from Hollywood that activated my brain cells partially was inception, and the last immensly great blockbusters were Se7en and Unforgiven (yeah I like depressing movies, SO WHAT)
Terrible film, but great review, at least now I've got some enjoyment as a result of this film being made!
Liked the movie, and while some of your criticism is fair, a lot of the stuff seems to be just picking on things because you personally did not enjoy the style of the movie. The visual effects and use of 3d in particular, it boggles my mind how you claim that 3d was unnecessarily tacked on because "no aliens pop out at you". It was used very tastefully, and the very fact that it was not too excessive made it that much better.
Ireland1542 Posts
On June 06 2012 01:11 Sethronu wrote: Liked the movie, and while some of your criticism is fair, a lot of the stuff seems to be just picking on things because you personally did not enjoy the style of the movie. The visual effects and use of 3d in particular, it boggles my mind how you claim that 3d was unnecessarily tacked on because "no aliens pop out at you". It was used very tastefully, and the very fact that it was not too excessive made it that much better. I don't think the 3d was unnecessary, maybe I didn't phrase that well, I just didn't notice it after a few minutes, I think 3d has worn off on me personally, I've seen a lot of films in 3d now and unless something different happens I don't really notice it, sure the visuals were nice but the 3d didn't do anything different, it's no longer like when I first saw films in 3d and I was constantly aware of it.
Thanks for the great review moktira. I'm torn between whether to watch or not, because I was interested and it is getting great reviews all around, 8/10 user reviews from IMDB (not very trustworthy but still) and 81% on RT. So I think I will give it a shot but I will leave my brain at home. haha