In all my posts, I'll be honest with myself, they were small posts that publicized my stream and my playing ability (or lack thereof). I viewed my blog on TL as a sort of way to get people to watch my stream and that was it. I did not think to ever post anything about my personal life because I felt like this wasn't the place. I've come to the conclusion that I was wrong and that this community is a discombobulated family in which everyone hates their second cousins but still loves the immediate family. So I figured it would make an actual serious post entitled "Things I Never Saw Coming" about events in my life that I dreamed of as a kid, or didn't, and now they are actually happening when I never thought they would.
Be warned, probably most of you will NOGAF, but what's the worse that could happen? I could get a one star post. Right on bro.
The first thing I never saw coming - Law school.
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Growing up I never really had any dreams. I wanted to be a NASCAR driver and own a Lamborghini (which this dream still exists to keep me sane) but that was it. To keep a long story short my Dad thought I was useless so I was told that constantly so I believed it and never really excelled in school. Never put any effort it and came out a 3.0 student at best. I thought I would just get a job as a teacher, work at Best Buy for the rest of my life, or go be a police officer. I was content with these jobs (no offense to anyone but these do not fit for me) and figured it could be worse.
That was about a year ago I thought of all that. One year ago I thought I was going to join the Police Academy this coming fall and go be a police officer or go get my teaching degree after my Criminal Justice degree. It wasn't until around December that something hit me in the head, and no it wasn't my girlfriend although I wouldn't be surprised if she snuck into my room while I was asleep because I do tend to laugh in my sleep, and I started to get straight A's and had a drive to go to Law School. I picked up a couple LSAT books, which is the entry exam into Law School, and started studying. This came out of nowhere like Stephano reinventing Zergs. I never thought I would go be a lawyer, never thought I had a drive to go to Law School, and never thought I would even remotely think about thinking about law school. I said that right, didn't I?
I am 2 weeks away from one of the most important dates in my life in taking the LSAT. I feel under prepared since I have been working 35-45 hour work weeks but I am motivated and excited non the less. You may ask, "Bondja, why are you working that many hours when you have a big test coming up. That seems like careless thing to do and you will probably get a lower score you fool!" This is where the second thing I never saw coming comes into play.
That was about a year ago I thought of all that. One year ago I thought I was going to join the Police Academy this coming fall and go be a police officer or go get my teaching degree after my Criminal Justice degree. It wasn't until around December that something hit me in the head, and no it wasn't my girlfriend although I wouldn't be surprised if she snuck into my room while I was asleep because I do tend to laugh in my sleep, and I started to get straight A's and had a drive to go to Law School. I picked up a couple LSAT books, which is the entry exam into Law School, and started studying. This came out of nowhere like Stephano reinventing Zergs. I never thought I would go be a lawyer, never thought I had a drive to go to Law School, and never thought I would even remotely think about thinking about law school. I said that right, didn't I?
I am 2 weeks away from one of the most important dates in my life in taking the LSAT. I feel under prepared since I have been working 35-45 hour work weeks but I am motivated and excited non the less. You may ask, "Bondja, why are you working that many hours when you have a big test coming up. That seems like careless thing to do and you will probably get a lower score you fool!" This is where the second thing I never saw coming comes into play.
The second thing I never (at least this soon) saw coming - Getting engaged.
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Yup, getting married. I always dreamed of getting married because I've always wanted to. I blame being raised by my 3 older sisters and mother. I want kids and I want a lot of them. Must be the catholic roots in me but I love kids! This is a very exciting thing for me because I've been dating the love of my life for almost 2 years and I've known her for 3 years.
I went through a very hard time in my life when I was 18-20. I use to be heavily involved in my church and was a leader in all youth activities, praise band, etc. When I went to college I tried to be somebody I wasn't and in that I lost my two best friends and God in the process. That's a long story cut short, you are welcome. I tried being the party goer, the person who is always with the girl (which I will add even when I was super drunk I was still too nervous to talk to the ladies) and the person who everyone loves. That was not who I was but I contended that is who I wanted to be. I failed. I failed hard and I regret it. It's very embarrassing to think of all that I became and all that I lost to the point that it hurts to this day.
Now, Bondja, where the hell are you going with this? I'm working on it. This was all while I was at Missouri State University and I transferred out to the school I go to now. I was placed in a room with the RA who was a die hard Christian and long story short I got back on the right path. The main point of where I was going with this was to say that I went to my lowest and came back and that everything was put together in place for me perfectly and I am so lucky and blessed to be dating the love of my life. The moment I met her I knew that she was the one and I even said that to my friend. I'm only 22 but I know that this is the best decision I will ever make.
I recently just purchased a ring that has a .75 CT stone, and a 1.30 total weight in CT. I know how I'm going to ask her but I'm still working out the kinks. She doesn't like a lot of attention, which is the opposite of me, so I figured I would setup a professional photo shoot for Christmas Cards and ask her while we are taking pictures. I get two birds with one stone this way, save the date cards AND engagement pictures. I'm a freakin' genius sometimes. I've never been happier in my life.
I went through a very hard time in my life when I was 18-20. I use to be heavily involved in my church and was a leader in all youth activities, praise band, etc. When I went to college I tried to be somebody I wasn't and in that I lost my two best friends and God in the process. That's a long story cut short, you are welcome. I tried being the party goer, the person who is always with the girl (which I will add even when I was super drunk I was still too nervous to talk to the ladies) and the person who everyone loves. That was not who I was but I contended that is who I wanted to be. I failed. I failed hard and I regret it. It's very embarrassing to think of all that I became and all that I lost to the point that it hurts to this day.
Now, Bondja, where the hell are you going with this? I'm working on it. This was all while I was at Missouri State University and I transferred out to the school I go to now. I was placed in a room with the RA who was a die hard Christian and long story short I got back on the right path. The main point of where I was going with this was to say that I went to my lowest and came back and that everything was put together in place for me perfectly and I am so lucky and blessed to be dating the love of my life. The moment I met her I knew that she was the one and I even said that to my friend. I'm only 22 but I know that this is the best decision I will ever make.
I recently just purchased a ring that has a .75 CT stone, and a 1.30 total weight in CT. I know how I'm going to ask her but I'm still working out the kinks. She doesn't like a lot of attention, which is the opposite of me, so I figured I would setup a professional photo shoot for Christmas Cards and ask her while we are taking pictures. I get two birds with one stone this way, save the date cards AND engagement pictures. I'm a freakin' genius sometimes. I've never been happier in my life.
The third thing I never saw coming - Ticonderoga pencils.
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Literally, the best pencils in this world. I never thought I would actually have a preference for a #2 pencil but I do. If you don't believe me here's a link of Will Ferrell talking about them - at 1:50.
I always tell people I'm Livin' the dream because I am. I'm young, handsome (if you like beards), I have the love of my life, a steady job, getting a great education, and have friends. I might work myself to sleep every Saturday afternoon and I might not have a lot of free time but how could I not be living the dream? I don't know how to really end this post since it's been so serious/real.