I'm writing this as a reflection on my past relationships. I was recently reading some kids girlblog and was really touched by the honesty and emotions he was writing. It's tough to remember those times. It seems SO silly to anyone not feeling those terrible or joyous emotions.
I started seeing a girl my freshman year of highscool. Experimentation was the entire relationship. Learning how to kiss and trying to figure out where hands go when you're trying to be a nice guy. The relationship ended badly with so many feelings being hurt. I hot selfconcious because she was heavy and not pretty. I just stopped talking to her which is really tough to do in a highschool with 32 students total.
Lessons learned:
It's hard to tell the difference between a boob and a heavy girls belly.
You can't expect someone to know you're experimenting. It's not okay to manipulate someones emotions so you can stick your tongue in their mouth.